neon HTTP and WebDAV client library

neon HTTP and WebDAV client library


neon is an HTTP and WebDAV client library, with a C
interface. Features:

  • High-level wrappers for common HTTP and WebDAV operations (GET,
    MOVE, DELETE, etc)
  • Low-level interface to the HTTP request/response engine, allowing
    the use of arbitrary HTTP methods, headers, etc.

  • Authentication support including Basic and Digest support, along
    with GSSAPI-based Negotiate on Unix, and SSPI-based Negotiate/NTLM on
  • SSL/TLS support using OpenSSL or GnuTLS; exposing an abstraction
    layer for verifying server certificates, handling client
    certificates, and examining certificate properties. Smartcard-based
    client certificates are also supported via a PKCS#11 wrapper
  • Abstract interface to parsing XML using libxml2 or expat, and
    wrappers for simplifying handling XML HTTP response bodies
  • WebDAV metadata support; wrappers for PROPFIND and PROPPATCH to
    simplify property manipulation.

neon is
free software,
distributed under the
GNU Library GPL.

Patches, feature requests, bug reports,
questions etc. can be
sent to
the neon mailing list (for
which a web
is also available). The neon-commits
receives commit messages from the Subversion repository.

Current Release

Please note: The neon API is subject to
backwards-incompatible change over minor versions (0.24.x -> 0.25.x)
but is stable across patch releases (0.24.0 -> 0.24.x).
