

Cross Domain Data JQuery Plugin
-- by Boris Kuzmic
-- version 0.2
-- license: MIT - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

Plugin can be used to dynamically load content from same or other domains. It can also
post form data to remote server script.
It’s creating a hidden iframe object to fetch remote page and when remote page sends data
(either via window.postMessage in all modern browsers or via window.name in IE 6 & 7),
data is read and callback method is invoked.

Simple usage:

Only to retrieve data:

$("body").append( data );

To post form use it like this:

$("#form_result").append( data );
'form_id', 'form_url', 'form_method'

In source page one must add code like this (as last body element),
to enable true cross domain interaction:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.name = $("body").html();
try {
var target = parent.postMessage ? parent : (parent.document.postMessage ? parent.document : undefined);

if (typeof target != "undefined") {
target.postMessage($("body").html(), "*");
} catch (e) {/**/}

For more info visit wiki:

