Download the 2.0.0 Release of the Scala IDE for Eclipse Scala IDE for Eclipse

Download the 2.0.0 Release of the Scala IDE for Eclipse - Scala IDE for Eclipse

    Get Started

    If you are new to Eclipse or Scala, watch the Getting Started with the Scala IDE above. The screencast will guide you through the installation of the Scala IDE for Eclipse, and you will also learn how to create and run your first Scala project. If you already know Eclipse and you want to find out more about features available in the Scala IDE, make sure not to miss the Scala IDE Features Overview, on the front page. A complete list of features is available in the expandable menu on the front page.
    Improved in This Release
    Code Completion

    Now with implicits resolved on the fly and all available methods in a list to choose from.
    Inferred Type Hovers

    Hover over an identifier to see what its type is inferred to be.
    Definition Hyperlinking

    Hold down Ctrl/Cmd and hover over a member to bring up a link, and click to navigate through the source.
    Error Markers

    Catch compilation errors as you type.
    Update Sites

    This release of the Scala IDE is available for both Scala 2.8 and Scala 2.9, through two distinct plugins (the packaged Scala version is the only difference existing between the two plugins).

    Currently, it is not possible to install both plugins within the same Eclipse installation. You need to decide what version of Scala you want to be using and then choose the appropriate update site.

        JDK 5 or JDK 6 (JDK 7 is not supported).

        Eclipse, including the JDT. Either “Eclipse Classic” or “Eclipse for Java Developers” is sufficient.
            Scala IDE is officially supporting Eclipse 3.6 (Helios).
            Scala IDE can be installed on Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo), but not all features are working perfectly. Read more…

    For Scala 2.9.x

    (If you cannot use the update site, a downloadable local update site is available: zipfile, sha1sum)
    For Scala 2.8.x

    (If you cannot use the update site, a downloadable local update site is available: zipfile, sha1sum)
