
第一部分:参考一下内容。将sudo 替换成zypper即可。


RHEL / Fedora / CentOS Installation

General dependencies

sudo yum install protobuf-devel leveldb-devel snappy-devel opencv-devel boost-devel hdf5-devel

Remaining dependencies, recent OS

sudo yum install gflags-devel glog-devel lmdb-devel

Remaining dependencies, if not found

# glog
tar zxvf glog-0.3.3.tar.gz
cd glog-0.3.3
make && make install
# gflags
cd gflags-master
mkdir build && cd build
export CXXFLAGS="-fPIC" && cmake .. && make VERBOSE=1
make && make install
# lmdb
git clone
cd lmdb/libraries/liblmdb
make && make install

Note that glog does not compile with the most recent gflags version (2.1), so before that is resolved you will need to build with glog first.

CUDA: Install via the NVIDIA package instead of yum to be certain of the library and driver versions. Install the library and latest driver separately; the driver bundled with the library is usually out-of-date. + CentOS/RHEL/Fedora:

BLAS: install ATLAS by sudo yum install atlas-devel or install OpenBLAS or MKL for better CPU performance. For the Makefile build, uncomment and set BLAS_LIB accordingly as ATLAS is usually installed under /usr/lib[64]/atlas).

Python (optional): if you use the default Python you will need to sudo yum install the python-devel package to have the Python headers for building the pycaffe wrapper.

Continue with compilation.


问题1: numpy开发包可能会缺少,也就是没有头文件

sudo  zypper  install  python-numpy-devel     这个以外的给力了。  在ubuntu和fedora上都没有这个情况的。

问题2: gflags 需要手动下载安装。即不能使用zypper大法。



sudo  zypper  install  python-numpy-devel  

sudo   zypper  install   leveldb-devel snappy-devel opencv-devel boost-devel hdf5-devel

sudo  zypper  install    atlas-devel

sudo  zypper  install    atlas*       点N

sudo  zypper  install    *atlas*  点N    

sudo  zypper  install  python  python-devel   python-numpy  python-scipy  python-sklearn   其中sklearn不能装


sudo  zypper  install  protobuf-devel
sudo  zypper  install  glog-devel   lmdb-devel


[100%] Built target classification
[100%] Built target convert_cifar_data
[100%] Built target convert_mnist_data
[100%] Built target convert_mnist_siamese_data
[100%] Building CXX object python/CMakeFiles/pycaffe.dir/caffe/_caffe.cpp.o
Linking CXX shared library ../lib/
Creating symlink /home/sea/caffe-master/python/caffe/ -> /home/sea/caffe-master/build/lib/
[100%] Built target pycaffe

-- Installing: /home/sea/caffe-master/build/install/python/caffe/
-- Installing: /home/sea/caffe-master/build/install/python/caffe/
-- Installing: /home/sea/caffe-master/build/install/python/caffe/
-- Installing: /home/sea/caffe-master/build/install/python/caffe/proto
-- Installing: /home/sea/caffe-master/build/install/python/caffe/proto/
-- Installing: /home/sea/caffe-master/build/install/python/caffe/proto/
-- Installing: /home/sea/caffe-master/build/install/python/caffe/
-- Set runtime path of "/home/sea/caffe-master/build/install/python/caffe/" to "/home/sea/caffe-master/build/install/lib:/usr/local/cuda/lib64"
sea@linux-61bx:~/caffe-master/build> ls
