在windows 7 建立一个弹出光驱的快捷方式

倒霉的Dell Studio是吸入式光驱,今天读一个老CD被塞在里面拿不出来,查了一下,发现了个不错的小工具,下面是如何利用这个小工具来开启光驱的说明



  1. Firstly, to download the nircmd.exe.
    下载nircmd.exe,下载地址是 http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.zip
  2. Right click on the desktop, and choose "New"->"Shortcut" from the menu.
    Right click on the desktop, and choose "New"- />"Shortcut"
  3. Type "C:\Users\nircmd\nircmd.exe cdrom open D" as the location of the shortcut.
    C:\Users\nircmd is the address of nircmd.exe,you can change it as your address.
    点“浏览”选择你在第一步下载并解压出来的nircmd.exe,并在后面填上 cdrom open D,最后那个D是盘符,如果你的光驱是E 就换去 E.
    Type "C:\Users\nircmd\nircmd.exe  cdrom open D" as the location of the shortcut.
  4. Give "Eject CD" as a name to the new shortcut.
    Give "Eject CD" as a name to the new shortcut.
  5. Then click "Finish",and then right click the new shortcut icon on the desktop and choose "Properties".
    right click the new shortcut icon on the desktop and choose "Properties".
  6. Click "Change Icon" to pick a better one.
    Click "Change Icon" to pick a better one.
  7. Type in "%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll" to choose the icon.
    Type in "%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll" to choose the icon.
  8. You have created a shortcut to eject the CD/DVD drive in windows 7.
    You have created a shortcut to eject the CD/DVD drive in windows 7