使用 nuxt 开发网站 之 nuxt.config.js

  1 export default {
  2   // Global page headers: https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-head
  3   head: {
  4     title: 'website',
  5     target: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'?'static':'server',
  6     htmlAttrs: {
  7       lang: 'en'
  8     },
  9     meta: [
 10       { charset: 'utf-8' },
 11       { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0' },
 12       { hid: 'keywords', name: 'keywords', content: '' },
 13       { hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: '' }
 14     ],
 15     link: [
 16       { rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/favicon.ico' }
 17     ]
 18   },
 19   router:{
 20     base: "/", //此为根目录,如果有具体目录需求按实际情况写
 21     middleware: 'i18n'
 22   }, 
 23   loading: { color: "#FE5800" },
 24   // Global CSS: https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-css
 25   css: [
 26     "~/assets/css/app"
 27   ],
 29   // Plugins to run before rendering page: https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-plugins
 30   plugins: [
 31     { src: '~/plugins/i18n', ssr: true },
 32     { src: '~/plugins/axios', ssr: true },
 33     { src: '~/plugins/axios-api-plugin', ssr: true },
 34     { src: '~/plugins/vue-awesome-swiper', ssr: false },
 35     { src: '~/plugins/toast', ssr: false }
 36   ],
 37   // generate: { // 生成静态页
 38   //   routes: ['/','/zh',/]
 39   // },
 40   // Auto import components: https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-components
 41   components: true,
 43   // Modules for dev and build (recommended): https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-modules
 44   buildModules: [
 45   ],
 46   // Modules: https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-modules
 47   modules: [
 48     // https://go.nuxtjs.dev/bootstrap
 49     'bootstrap-vue/nuxt',
 50     '@nuxtjs/axios',
 51     '@nuxtjs/proxy',
 52     '@nuxtjs/component-cache',
 53     [
 54       '@nuxtjs/component-cache',
 55       {
 56         max: 10000, // 最大缓存数量
 57         maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60  // 缓存过期时间(ms),缓存1小时
 58       }
 59     ]
 60   ],
 61   bootstrapVue: {
 62     components: ['BContainer', 
 63       'BNavbar', 
 64       'BNav',
 65       'BNavbarBrand',
 66       'BNavbarToggle',
 67       'BCollapse',
 68       'BNavbarNav',
 69       'BNavItem',
 70       'BRow',
 71       'BCol',
 72       'BNavForm',
 73       'BForm',
 74       'BFormGroup',
 75       'BFormTextarea',
 76       'BFormSelect',
 77       'BFormInput',
 78       'BFormInvalidFeedback',
 79       'BButton',
 80       'BNavItemDropdown',
 81       'BDropdownItem',
 82       'BCard',
 83       'BImg',
 84       'BImgLazy',
 85       'BOverlay',
 86       'BLink',
 87       'BPopover',
 88       'BCarousel',
 89       'BCarouselSlide',
 90       'BEmbed',
 91       'BPaginationNav',
 92       'BIconSearch',
 93       'BIconGlobe',
 94       'BIconTelephoneFill',
 95       'BIconEnvelope',
 96       'BIconPencilSquare',
 97       'BIconPlayCircle',
 98       'BIconPauseCircle',
 99       'BIconXCircle',
100       'BIconInfoCircle',
101       'BIconEyeFill',
102       'BIconX',
103       'BIconGeoAltFill'
104     ],
105     directives:['VBPopover','VBToggle'],
106     //引入icon
107     // icons: false,
108     // 自定义样式,以下两属性设置false
109     bootstrapCSS: false,
110     bootstrapVueCSS: false
111   },
113   // Build Configuration: https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-build
114   build: {
115     transpile: [/^bootstrap-vue/],
116     // analyze: true,     // 开启打包分析
117     productionSourceMap: false,
118     productionGzip: true,
119     productionGzipExtensions: ['js', 'css', 'svg'],
120     postcss: {
121       preset: {
122         autoprefixer: {
123           grid: true
124         }
125       }
126     },
127     /**
128      * 图片 进行 url 的打包
129      */
130     loader:[
131       {
132         test:/.(png|jpg|gif|svg)$/,
133         loader:"url-loader",
134         query:{
135           limit:10000,
136           name:"img/[name].[hash].[ext]"
137         }
138       }
139     ],
140     extend(config, ctx) {
141       config.module.rules.push({
142         test: /.(ogg|mp3|mp4|wav|mpe?g)$/i,
143         loader: 'file-loader',
144         options: {
145           name: '[path][name].[ext]'
146         }
147       });
149     },
150     // plugins: [
151     //   new CompressionWebpackPlugin({
152     //         algorithm: 'gzip',
153     //         test: /.(js|css|html)$/,
154     //         threshold: 10240,
155     //         minRatio: 0.8
156     //     })
157     // ]
158   },
159   // 发起跨域资源请求
160   // axios: {
161   //   baseURL: 'http://debug.globalyadea.com',
162   //   credentials: true,
163   //   proxy: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'?true:false
164   // },
165   // proxy: {
166   //   '/api': {
167   //     target: 'http://debug.globalyadea.com',
168   //     changeOrigin: true,
169   //     pathRewrite: {
170   //       '^/api' : '/'
171   //     }
172   //   }
173   // }
174 }