【Java】NO.83.Tool.1.GlassFish.1.001-【GlassFish 5 安装使用】-

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Tittle:【Java】NO.83.Tool.1.GlassFish.1.001-【GlassFish 5 安装使用】-





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1.下载 JavaEE 8 包含 GlassFish 5



该版本目前最好支持 GlassFish 5.0 requires Oracle JDK 8 Update 144

即 http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u141-b15/jdk-8u141-windows-x64.exe

本机win 10 装了 jdk 1.9,在无法进行安装使用

必须卸载了jdk 1.9并保证有jdk 1.8 才可以

3. 安装

由于之前使用jdk 1.9 ,故仍会报异常,需修改 D:ProgramStationjava_ee_sdk-8glassfish5glassfishdomainsdomain1configdomain.xml 中

java-home="C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_141"





0. Prerequisite

GlassFish 5.0 requires Oracle JDK 8 Update 144.
Check http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html to download the JDK.

1. Installing GlassFish

Installing GlassFish is just a matter of unzipping the GlassFish archive in the desired directory. Since you are reading this, you have probably already unzipped GlassFish. If not, just type the following command in the directory where you want GlassFish to be installed : jar xvf glassfish-5.0.zip

The default domain called 'domain1' is installed and preconfigured.

2. Starting GlassFish

The 'asadmin' command-line utility is used to control and manage GlassFish (start, stop, configure, deploy applications, etc).

To start GlassFish, just go in the directory where GlassFish is located and type:
On Unix: glassfish5/glassfish/bin asadmin start-domain
On Windows: glassfish5glassfishin asadmin start-domain

After a few seconds, GlassFish will be up and ready to accept requests. The default 'domain1' domain is configured to listen on port 8080. In your browser, go to http://localhost:8080 to see the default landing page.

To manage GlassFish, just go to web administration console: http://localhost:4848

3. Stopping GlassFish

To stop GlassFish, just issue the following command :
On Unix: glassfish5/glassfish/bin asadmin stop-domain
On Windows: glassfish5glassfishin asadmin stop-domain

4. Where to go next?

Open the following local file in your browser: glassfish5/glassfish/docs/quickstart.html. It contains useful information such as the details about the pre-configured 'domain1', links to the GlassFish Documentation, etc.

Make sure to also check the GlassFish 5.0 Release Notes as they contains important information : https://javaee.github.io/glassfish/documentation

If you are new to Java EE, the Java EE Tutorial (see below) is a good way to learn more. The examples are tailored to run with GlassFish and this will help you get oriented.

5. Documentation

GlassFish Documentation : https://javaee.github.io/glassfish/documentation

Java EE Tutorial : https://javaee.github.io/tutorial

GlassFish Forum : https://javaee.groups.io/g/glassfish/

6. Follow us

Make sure to follow @GlassFish and @Java_EE on Twitter and read The Aquarium Blog (https://blogs.oracle.com/TheAquarium) to get the latest news on GlassFish and Java EE.
