Pytorch IO提速

1. 把内存变成硬盘,把需要读的数据塞到里面去,加快了io。

Optimizing PyTorch training code


轻轻松松为你的Linux系统创建RAM Disk


Linux创建使用内存硬盘(RAM DISK)

2. 使用英伟达的 /DALI 模块

A library containing both highly optimized building blocks and an execution engine for data pre-processing in deep learning applications


博客: Introducing GPU Instances: Using Deep Learning to Obtain Frontal Rendering of Facial Images

DALI 文档 : dali-pytorch


3. 使用英伟达的 /apex 模块

4. 将原始图像保存为pt或hdf5文件

hdf5: Saving and loading a large number of images (data) into a single HDF5 file  (图片转换成HDF5文件(加载,保存))

pt :

5.  将原始数据保存为lmdb格式

博客:Efficiently processing large image datasets in Python

6.  Python简易实现并行操作

一行 Python 代码实现并行 
