
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="True" CodeBehind="TranForwardEdit.aspx.cs"
Inherits="HraWeb.TranForwardEdit" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="asp" Namespace="WebControls.Web.UI" Assembly="WebControls" %>

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<a href="#" id="btn_close" iconcls="icon-close" class="button">关闭</a>
<a href="#" runat="server" id="btn_Save_Settings" iconcls="icon-save" class="button">设置为默认配置</a>
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<th style=' 10%'>
<td style=' 40%'>

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<th style=' 10%'>
<td style=' 40%'>

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<th style=' 10%'>
<td style=' 40%'>
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<th style=' 10%'>
<td style=' 40%'>
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<th style=' 10%'>
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<th style=' 10%'>
<td style=' 40%'>
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<th style=' 10%'>
<td style=' 40%'>
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<th style=' 10%'>
<td style=' 40%'>
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<th style=' 10%'>
<td style=' 40%'>
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<th style=' 10%'>
<td style=' 40%'>
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<th style=' 10%'>
<td style=' 40%'>
<asp:TextBox ID="txt_ChargeCurrency_" runat="server" CssClass="input datacontrol"></asp:TextBox>
<th style=' 10%'>
<td style=' 40%'>
<asp:TextBox ID="txt_PaymentCurrency_" runat="server" CssClass="input datacontrol"></asp:TextBox>
<th style=' 10%'>
<td style=' 40%'>

<asp:TextBox ID="txt_DealEntryTypeName_" runat="server" CssClass="input datacontrol"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="txt_DealEntryType_" runat="server" CssClass="input datacontrol hidden"></asp:TextBox><span
<th style=' 10%'>
<td style=' 40%'>

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<asp:TextBox ID="txt_DealStatus_" runat="server" CssClass="input datacontrol hidden"></asp:TextBox><span
<tr> <th style='10%'>账户类型:</th>
<td style='40%'>
<asp:DropDownList ID="txt_AccountType_" runat="server" style="210px;" CssClass="input datacontrol"></asp:DropDownList><span class="message">*</span>
<th style='10%'>账户分类:</th>
<td style='40%'>
<asp:DropDownList ID="txt_AccountRule_" runat="server" style="210px;" CssClass="input datacontrol"></asp:DropDownList><span class="message">*</span>
<th style='10%'>交易账户:</th>
<td style='40%'>
<asp:DropDownList ID="txt_TradeFolder_" runat="server" style="210px;" CssClass="input datacontrol"></asp:DropDownList><span class="message">*</span>
<div title="<%=detailName%>">
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function PageOnLoad() {
var url = "TranForwardDetailManage.aspx?Id=" + $("#txt_Id_").val();
$("#detail").attr("src", url);
// DataGrid.WaitMessage("正在加载数据,请稍后。。");
// window.setTimeout(function () {
// $("#btn_Save_").linkbutton('enable');
// DataGrid.RemoveWaitMessage();
// }, 3000);
$("#btn_close").click(function () {
rules: {
txt_Name_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_InstrumentType_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
// , txt_InstrumentTypeName_: { maxlength: 50, combogrid: true }
, txt_DerivativeType_: { maxlength: 50,required:true }
, txt_DeliveryType_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_CounterpartyId_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_ExternalLegalEntityId_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_ExternalBusinessUnitId_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_InternalLegalEntityId_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_InternalBusinessUnitId_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_TradeDeskId_: { maxlength: 50 }
, txt_PortfolioId_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_TraderId_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_Direction_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_PricingModelId_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_TransactionDate_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_InputDate_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_EffectiveDate_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_TerminationDate_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_AgreementId_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_BusinessAgentId_: { maxlength: 50 }
, txt_Charge_: { maxlength: 10, number: true }
, txt_ChargeCurrency_: { maxlength: 50 }
, txt_PaymentCurrency_: { maxlength: 50 }
, txt_DealEntryType_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }
, txt_DealStatus_: { maxlength: 50, required: true }

$("#btn_Save_").click(function () {

if (!$("#form1").validate().form()) {
var obj = setSaveData();
JDataGrid.SavePage("/Tran/TranForwardEdit.aspx?_method=Save", obj, function (data) {
if ($("#txt_Id_").val() == "") {
var url = "TranForwardDetailManage.aspx?Id=" + data.Id;
$("#detail").attr("src", url);
$.messager.alert('操作提示', UTIL.getMessage("Save_Sucess"), 'info', function () {
}, true);
$("#btn_Save_Settings").click(function () {
var obj = setSaveData();
var url = '/Tran/TranForwardEdit.aspx?_method=SaveSettings&InstrumentTypeId=' + UTIL.getUrlParam("InstrumentTypeId");
JDataGrid.SavePage(url, obj, function (data) {
if (data == "1") {
UTIL.MessageBox("Save_Sucess", 'info');
} else {
UTIL.MessageBox("Save_Fail", 'error', data.Message);
function setSaveData() {
var obj = $("#form1").GetPostData();
return obj;

/* var row = $("#txt_DerivativeType_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_DerivativeType_"] = row.Code;
obj["txt_DerivativeTypeName_"] = row.Name;
row = $("#txt_DeliveryType_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_DeliveryType_"] = row.Code;
obj["txt_DeliveryTypeName_"] = row.Name;

row = $("#txt_Direction_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_Direction_"] = row.Code;
obj["txt_DirectionName_"] = row.Name;
row = $("#txt_DealEntryType_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_DealEntryType_"] = row.Code;
obj["txt_DealEntryTypeName_"] = row.Name;
row = $("#txt_DealStatus_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_DealStatus_"] = row.Code;
obj["txt_DealStatusName_"] = row.Name;
row = $("#txt_ChargeCurrency_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_ChargeCurrency_"] = row.CurrencyCode;
row = $("#txt_PaymentCurrency_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_PaymentCurrency_"] = row.CurrencyCode;
row = $("#txt_LinkedForwardId_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_LinkedForwardId_"] = row.Id;
obj["txt_LinkedForwardName_"] = row.Name;
row = $("#txt_ExternalLegalEntityId_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_ExternalLegalEntityId_"] = row.Id;
obj["txt_ExternalLegalEntity_"] = row.LegalEntityName;
row = $("#txt_InternalLegalEntityId_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_InternalLegalEntityId_"] = row.Id;
obj["txt_InternalLegalEntity_"] = row.LegalEntityName;
row = $("#txt_ExternalBusinessUnitId_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_ExternalBusinessUnitId_"] = row.Id;
obj["txt_ExternalBusinessUnit_"] = row.BusinessUnitName;
row = $("#txt_InternalBusinessUnitId_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_InternalBusinessUnitId_"] = row.Id;
obj["txt_InternalBusinessUnit_"] = row.BusinessUnitName;
row = $("#txt_TradeDeskId_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_TradeDeskId_"] = row.Id;
obj["txt_TradeDesk_"] = row.TradeDeskName;
row = $("#txt_PricingModelId_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_PricingModelId_"] = row.Id;
obj["txt_PricingModel_"] = row.PricingModelName;
row = $("#txt_PortfolioId_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_PortfolioId_"] = row.Id;
obj["txt_Portfolio_"] = row.PortfolioName;
// row = $("#txt_InstrumentTypeId_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
// if (row != null) {
// obj["txt_InstrumentTypeId_"] = row.Id;
// obj["txt_InstrumentTypeName_"] = row.InstrumentTypeName;
// }
row = $("#txt_TraderId_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_TraderId_"] = row.Id;
obj["txt_Trader_"] = row.UserName;
row = $("#txt_CounterpartyId_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_CounterpartyId_"] = row.Id;
obj["txt_Counterparty_"] = row.CounterpartyName;

row = $("#txt_BusinessAgentId_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_BusinessAgentId_"] = row.Id;
obj["txt_BusinessAgent_"] = row.CounterpartyName;

row = $("#txt_AgreementId_").combogrid("grid").datagrid("getSelected");
if (row != null) {
obj["txt_AgreementId_"] = row.Id;
obj["txt_Agreement_"] = row.AgreementName;

return obj;*/
function InitDrop() {

// $("#txt_InstrumentTypeName_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasInstrumentType",
// textField: "InstrumentTypeName",
// panelWidth:500,
// panelHeight:300,
// idFild:"Id",
// valueControl:$("#txt_InstrumentTypeId_"),
// columns:[[
// { field: 'InstrumentTypeName', title: '票据类型名称', 80 },
// { field: 'InstrumentTypeCode', title: '编码', 80, align: 'left' }]]
// });

// $("#txt_DerivativeTypeName_").SetDict({
// valueControl: $("#txt_DerivativeType_"),
// });
// $("#txt_Counterparty_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasCounterparty",
// textField: "CounterpartyName",
// panelWidth: 500,
// panelHeight: 300,
// idFild: "Id",
// valueControl: $("#txt_CounterpartyId_"),
// columns: [[
// { field: 'CounterpartyName', title: '对手名', 100 },
// { field: 'CounterpartyCode', title: '编码', 100}]]
// });
// $("#txt_ExternalLegalEntity_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasLegalEntity",
// textField: "LegalEntityName",
// panelWidth: 500,
// panelHeight: 300,
// where: "ExternalFlag=1",
// idFild: "Id",
// valueControl: $("#txt_ExternalLegalEntityId_"),
// columns: [[
// { field: 'LegalEntityName', title: '法人名称', 80 },
// { field: 'LegalEntityCode', title: '法人编码', 80}]]
// });
// $("#txt_ExternalBusinessUnit_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasBusinessUnit",
// textField: "BusinessUnitName",
// panelWidth: 500,
// panelHeight: 300,
// idFild: "Id",
// valueControl: $("#txt_ExternalBusinessUnitId_"),
// columns: [[
// { field: 'BusinessUnitName', title: '名称', 80 },
// { field: 'BusinessUnitCode', title: '编码', 80 }]]
// });
// $("#txt_InternalLegalEntity_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasLegalEntity",
// textField: "LegalEntityName",
// panelWidth: 500,
// panelHeight: 300,
// where: "(ExternalFlag is null or ExternalFlag=0)",
// idFild: "Id",
// valueControl: $("#txt_ExternalBusinessUnitId_"),
// columns: [[
// { field: 'LegalEntityName', title: '法人名称', 80 },
// { field: 'LegalEntityCode', title: '法人编码', 80 }]]
// });

// $("#txt_InternalBusinessUnit_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasBusinessUnit",
// textField: "BusinessUnitName",
// panelWidth: 500,
// panelHeight: 300,
// idFild: "Id",
// valueControl: $("#txt_InternalBusinessUnitId_"),
// columns: [[
// { field: 'BusinessUnitName', title: '名称', 80 },
// { field: 'BusinessUnitCode', title: '编码', 80}]]
// });
// $("#txt_TradeDesk_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasTradeDesk",
// textField: "TradeDeskName",
// panelWidth: 500,
// panelHeight: 300,
// idFild: "Id",
// valueControl: $("#txt_TradeDeskId_"),
// columns: [[
// { field: 'TradeDeskName', title: '名称', 80 },
// { field: 'TradeDeskCode', title: '编码', 80}]]
// });

// $("#txt_Portfolio_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasPortfolio",
// textField: "PortfolioName",
// panelWidth: 500,
// panelHeight: 300,
// idFild: "Id",
// valueControl: $("#txt_PortfolioId_"),
// columns: [[
// { field: 'PortfolioName', title: '名称', 80 },
// { field: 'PortfolioCode', title: '编码', 80}]]
// });
// $("#txt_PricingModel_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasPricingModel",
// textField: "PricingModelName",
// panelWidth: 500,
// panelHeight: 300,
// idFild: "Id",
// valueControl: $("#txt_PricingModelId_"),
// columns: [[
// { field: 'PricingModelName', title: '模型名称', 100 },
// { field: 'PricingModelCode', title: '模型编码', 100 }]]
// });

// $("#txt_DealEntryTypeName_").SetDict({
// valueControl: $("#txt_DealEntryType_"),
// dicType: "DEAL_ENTRY_TYPE"
// });
// $("#txt_DealStatusName_").SetDict({
// valueControl: $("#txt_DealStatus_"),
// dicType: "DEAL_STATUS"
// });
// $("#txt_DeliveryTypeName_").SetDict({
// valueControl: $("#txt_DeliveryType_"),
// dicType: "DELIVERY_TYPE"
// });
// $("#txt_DirectionName_").SetDict({
// valueControl: $("#txt_Direction_"),
// dicType: "DIRECTION"
// });
// $("#txt_ChargeCurrency_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasCurrency",
// textField: "CurrencyName",
// panelWidth: 500,
// panelHeight: 300,
// idFild: "CurrencyCode",
// valueControl: $("#txt_ChargeCurrency_"),
// columns: [[
// { field: 'CurrencyName', title: '货币名称', 80 },
// { field: 'CurrencyCode', title: '编码', 80, align: 'left'}]]
// });
// $("#txt_PaymentCurrency_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasCurrency",
// textField: "CurrencyName",
// panelWidth: 500,
// panelHeight: 300,
// idFild: "CurrencyCode",
// valueControl: $("#txt_PaymentCurrency_"),
// columns: [[
// { field: 'CurrencyName', title: '货币名称', 80 },
// { field: 'CurrencyCode', title: '编码', 80, align: 'left'}]]
// });
var url = '/common/EntityJsonList.ashx?entityType=BasBusinessPerson&_method=entityTemp&tmp=' + Math.random() + '&queryTextFild=UserName';

url += "&defaultValue=" + escape($("#txt_Trader_").val());

var id = 'Id';

url += "&idFild=" + id;
$.getJSON(url, function (json) {
panelWidth: 500,
panelHeight: 300,
idField: 'Id',
textField: 'UserName',
data: json.Trader,
method: 'get',
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pagination: true, //是否分页
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columns: [[
{ field: 'UserName', title: '名称', 80}]],
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editable: true,
collapsible: false, //是否可折叠的
fit: true, //自
keyHandler: {

query: function (keyword) { //【动态搜索】处理
var queryParams = $("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams;
queryParams.keyword = keyword;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams = queryParams;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("setValue", keyword);
mode: 'remote',
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panelWidth: 500,
panelHeight: 300,
idField: 'Id',
textField: 'UserName',
data: json.Trader,
method: 'get',
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columns: [[
{ field: 'UserName', title: '名称', 80}]],
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editable: true,
collapsible: false, //是否可折叠的
fit: true, //自
keyHandler: {

query: function (keyword) { //【动态搜索】处理
var queryParams = $("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams;
queryParams.keyword = keyword;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams = queryParams;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("setValue", keyword);
mode: 'remote',
fitColumns: true
panelWidth: 500,
panelHeight: 300,
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textField: 'UserName',
data: json.Trader,
method: 'get',
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keyHandler: {

query: function (keyword) { //【动态搜索】处理
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queryParams.keyword = keyword;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams = queryParams;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("setValue", keyword);
mode: 'remote',
fitColumns: true
panelWidth: 500,
panelHeight: 300,
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data: json.Trader,
method: 'get',
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columns: [[
{ field: 'UserName', title: '名称', 80}]],
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editable: true,
collapsible: false, //是否可折叠的
fit: true, //自
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query: function (keyword) { //【动态搜索】处理
var queryParams = $("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams;
queryParams.keyword = keyword;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams = queryParams;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("setValue", keyword);
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panelHeight: 300,
idField: 'Id',
textField: 'UserName',
data: json.Trader,
method: 'get',
delay: 1000,
pagination: true, //是否分页
rownumbers: true, //序号
pageSize: 35, //每页显示的记录条数,默认为10
pageList: [35, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200], //可以设置每页记录条数的列表
columns: [[
{ field: 'UserName', title: '名称', 80}]],
striped: true,
editable: true,
collapsible: false, //是否可折叠的
fit: true, //自
keyHandler: {

query: function (keyword) { //【动态搜索】处理
var queryParams = $("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams;
queryParams.keyword = keyword;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams = queryParams;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("setValue", keyword);
mode: 'remote',
fitColumns: true
panelWidth: 500,
panelHeight: 300,
idField: 'Id',
textField: 'UserName',
data: json.Trader,
method: 'get',
delay: 1000,
pagination: true, //是否分页
rownumbers: true, //序号
pageSize: 35, //每页显示的记录条数,默认为10
pageList: [35, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200], //可以设置每页记录条数的列表
columns: [[
{ field: 'UserName', title: '名称', 80}]],
striped: true,
editable: true,
collapsible: false, //是否可折叠的
fit: true, //自
keyHandler: {

query: function (keyword) { //【动态搜索】处理
var queryParams = $("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams;
queryParams.keyword = keyword;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams = queryParams;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("setValue", keyword);
mode: 'remote',
fitColumns: true
panelWidth: 500,
panelHeight: 300,
idField: 'Id',
textField: 'UserName',
data: json.Trader,
method: 'get',
delay: 1000,
pagination: true, //是否分页
rownumbers: true, //序号
pageSize: 35, //每页显示的记录条数,默认为10
pageList: [35, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200], //可以设置每页记录条数的列表
columns: [[
{ field: 'UserName', title: '名称', 80}]],
striped: true,
editable: true,
collapsible: false, //是否可折叠的
fit: true, //自
keyHandler: {

query: function (keyword) { //【动态搜索】处理
var queryParams = $("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams;
queryParams.keyword = keyword;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams = queryParams;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("setValue", keyword);
mode: 'remote',
fitColumns: true

panelWidth: 500,
panelHeight: 300,
idField: 'Id',
textField: 'UserName',
data: json.Trader,
method: 'get',
delay: 1000,
pagination: true, //是否分页
rownumbers: true, //序号
pageSize: 35, //每页显示的记录条数,默认为10
pageList: [35, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200], //可以设置每页记录条数的列表
columns: [[
{ field: 'UserName', title: '名称', 80}]],
striped: true,
editable: true,
collapsible: false, //是否可折叠的
fit: true, //自
keyHandler: {

query: function (keyword) { //【动态搜索】处理
var queryParams = $("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams;
queryParams.keyword = keyword;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("grid").datagrid('options').queryParams = queryParams;
$("#txt_Trader_").combogrid("setValue", keyword);
mode: 'remote',
fitColumns: true

// $("#txt_Trader_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasBusinessPerson",
// textField: "UserName",
// panelWidth: 500,
// panelHeight: 300,
// idFild: "Id",
// valueControl: $("#txt_TraderId_"),
// columns: [[
// { field: 'UserName', title: '名称', 80}]]
// });
// $("#txt_Agreement_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasAgreement",
// textField: "AgreementName",
// panelWidth: 500,
// panelHeight: 300,
// idFild: "Id",
// valueControl: $("#txt_AgreementId_"),
// columns: [[
// { field: 'AgreementName', title: '协议', 100 }]]
// });
// $("#txt_BusinessAgent_").SetCombo({
// entityType: "BasCounterparty",
// textField: "CounterpartyName",
// panelWidth: 500,
// panelHeight: 300,
// idFild: "Id",
// valueControl: $("#txt_BusinessAgentId_"),
// columns: [[
// { field: 'CounterpartyName', title: '对手名', 100 },
// { field: 'CounterpartyCode', title: '编码', 100}]]
// });



using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Web;
using Contract.Domain;
using WebApp.Common;

namespace HraWeb.Common
/// <summary>
/// EntityJsonList 的摘要说明
/// </summary>
public class EntityJsonList : BasePage, IHttpHandler, System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSessionState

public PropertyInfo GetProperyInfo(string Name, PropertyInfo[] ps)
PropertyInfo p1 = null;
ps.ToList().ForEach(p =>
if (p.Name == Name)
p1 = p;
return p1;
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
switch (context.Request["_method"])
case "entityTemp":
Dictionary<string,DataGridJson> combodic=new Dictionary<string, DataGridJson>();
string entityTypeTemp = context.Request["entityType"];
info = new Framework.QueryInfo();
info.QueryObject = entityTypeTemp;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["where"]))
info.Where.Add("kk", " and " + context.Request["where"]);

info = Dao.FindByQueryInfo(info);
Type typeTemp = null;
PropertyInfo[] psTemp = null;
if (info.List != null && info.List.Count > 0)
typeTemp = info.List[0].GetType();
psTemp = typeTemp.GetProperties();

DataGridJson dTemp = new DataGridJson(info.TotalCount, info.List);
case "entity":
string entityType = context.Request["entityType"];
info = new Framework.QueryInfo();
info.QueryObject = entityType;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["where"]))
info.Where.Add("kk", " and " + context.Request["where"]);
var keyword = context.Request["keyword"] ?? string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword))
Hashtable aa=new Hashtable();
//info.Where.Add("kk2",string.Format(" and {0} like '%:{1}%'", context.Request["queryTextFild"],keyword));
info.PageSize = int.Parse(HttpContext.Current.Request["rows"]);
int pageIndex = int.Parse(HttpContext.Current.Request["page"]);
info.StartRecord = (pageIndex - 1) * info.PageSize;
info.TotalCount = 1;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.QueryString["queryFild"]))
string[] field = context.Request.QueryString["queryFild"].Split(new char[] { '|' });
foreach (string q in field)
info.AddParam(q, context.Request.QueryString["q"], string.Format(" and {0} like '%:{0}%'", q));
info = Dao.FindByQueryInfo(info);
Type type = null;
PropertyInfo[] ps = null;
if (info.List != null && info.List.Count > 0)
type = info.List[0].GetType();
ps = type.GetProperties();
bool idBoolean = false;
foreach (var b in info.List)

PropertyInfo idFieldInfo = GetProperyInfo(context.Request["idFild"], ps);
string IdFieldValue = Convert.ToString(idFieldInfo.GetValue(b, null));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["defaultValue"]))
if (IdFieldValue.Equals(context.Request["defaultValue"]))
idBoolean = true;
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["defaultValue"]))
Framework.QueryInfo tmpInfo = new Framework.QueryInfo();
tmpInfo.QueryObject = entityType;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["idFild"]))
tmpInfo.AddParam(context.Request["idFild"], context.Request["defaultValue"]);
var list = Dao.FindList(tmpInfo);
foreach (object obj in list)
if (!idBoolean)
DataGridJson d = new DataGridJson(info.TotalCount, info.List);
case "dict":
var t = GetDictType(context.Request["dictType"]);
IList<SysDict> dictList= Holworth.Utility.Utility.ListToT<SysDict>(t);
var keyword2 = context.Request["keyword"] ?? string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword2))
dictList = dictList.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(keyword2)).ToList();
string ss = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dictList);
case "aa":
var ts = GetDictType(context.Request["dictType"]);
string sss = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ts);

public bool IsReusable
return false;
