Go Pentester

Interacting with Metasploit

Early-stage Preparation:

Setting up your environment - start the Metasploit console as well as the RPC listener through the msgrpc module in Metasploit.

load msgrpc ServerHost= ServerPort=55552 User=msf Pass='dfas1342'

 To make the code more portable and avoid hardcoding values, set the environment variables.

 First, review the Metasploit API developer documentation at the official website https://metasploit.help.rapid7.com/docs/rpc-api.

session.list API method.

auth.login API method.

 auth.logout API method

Metasploit communicates using MessagePack, a compact and efficient binary format. So let's install a standard MessagePack package.

go get gopkg.in/vmihailenco/msgpack.v2

Create your directory structure.

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