Powershell 检测USB存储设备


1.1 Win32_LogicalDisk 获取本机逻辑磁盘(计算机中显示的盘符 C: D: E:等),包括硬盘,光驱,U盘等设备

    Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk


DeviceID --> 盘符
DriveType --> 设备类型
VolumeName --> 卷标
                DeviceID     : C:
                DriveType    : 3
                ProviderName :
                FreeSpace    : 25028714496
                Size         : 232373874688
                VolumeName   : OS

                DeviceID     : D:
                DriveType    : 3
                ProviderName :
                FreeSpace    : 8898105344
                Size         : 9751752704
                VolumeName   : 新加卷

                DeviceID     : F:
                DriveType    : 5
                ProviderName :
                FreeSpace    :
                Size         :
                VolumeName   :

使用 Select * 查看全部信息


$a=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk
$a[0] | Select *

1.2 Win32_DiskDrive 获取本机物理磁盘信息

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskDrive

1.3 Win32_PnPEntity获取本机USB设备信息

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PnPEntity | Where-Object { $_.DeviceID -like 'USBSTOR*' }

可以查看 Powershell 检查设备管理器

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PnPEntity 可查本机所有设备

2. Compare-Object 比较差异

alias(别名): compare diff

$a=Compare-Object (1,2,3)  (1,2,4)

InputObject SideIndicator
----------- -------------
          4 =>
          3 <=


# DriveType
# 2: USB Disk
# 3: HDD
# 5: ODD
$driverList=@{}  # HashTable  Key-Value
$driveType=@{2="USB_Disk";3="HDD";5="ODD"}   # HashTable  Key-Value
$ErrorActionPreference= 'silentlycontinue'   # 不显示错误, global variable

Function Get_DiskChange(){
    $Device_Logical=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk
    $Device_Logical_num = $Device_Logical.Length
    $Device_Physical =  Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskDrive 
    $Device_Physical_num = $Device_Physical.Length    
    while($Device_Logical_num -eq (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk).Length)
        # Start-Sleep -s 1  
        # Listen  Disk Change
    $Now_Time=Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"
    $Dev_Change=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk  # 获取逻辑分区
    $com_Dev=Compare-Object $Device_Logical $Dev_Change  #比较两次差异
    $DevPhy_Change = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskDrive  #获取物理存储设备
    $com_DevPhy=Compare-Object $Device_Physical $DevPhy_Change  #比较差异
    $DiskPhy_Model=$DiskPhy_Change.Model  #eg. Model      : USB DISK 3.0 USB Device
    $par="d.d"    # 正则匹配  数字.数字  eg 3.0
    if ($DiskPhy_Model -match $par) {
        $DiskPhy_Model=$matches[0]   # 匹配到就赋值给$DiskPhy_Model
    $DiskPhy_Size=[int]($DiskPhy_Change.Size /1000/1000/1000)   # 转化为GB
    if($Device_Logical_num -le (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk).Length){
        return ("Add_Device",$diskName,$type,$DiskPhy_Model,$DiskPhy_Size,$Now_Time)
    elseif($Device_Logical_num -gt (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk).Length){
        return ("Remove Device",$diskName,$type,$DiskPhy_Model,$DiskPhy_Size,$Now_Time)

Function DetectUSB(){
    echo "**********************  Listening  **********************"
    echo " "
    echo "USB Device Information"
    echo " "
    "   time:          "+$a[5]
    "   Option:        "+$a[0]
    "   Volume label:  "+$a[1]
    "   Drive Type:    "+$a[2]
    "   Model:         "+$a[3]
    "   Total Size:    "+$a[4]+"GB"
    echo " "
    #函数中的所有输出 都在$a 中
    # for($i=0;$i -le $a.Length;$i++){
        # $i.ToString() +":" +$a[$i]
    # }

    if ($a[0] -eq "Add_Device"){ 
        # &执行命令
        & ($a[1].ToString()+":")  # 进入盘符
        $CheckDisk = chkdsk #执行CHKDSK
        # $CheckDisk 
        foreach ($i in $CheckDisk){
            if ($i -eq "Windows has scanned the file system and found no problems."){
                echo ""
                echo "CHKDSK pass"
                echo ""

while ($TRUE){
    # Powershell 中 布尔值 $TRUE $FALSE 和空值 $NULL
    # Start-Sleep -s 1  
