
   1:  /*
   2:  author:justinzhang
   3:  email:uestczhangchao@gmail.com
   4:  time:2012-8-20 15:52:27
   5:  des.:using non recursive method to traverse binary tree
   6:  */
   7:  #include <iostream>
   8:  using namespace std;
  10:  template<typename T> class btree
  11:  {
  12:  public:
  13:      T data;
  14:      btree *lchild, *rchild;
  15:  };
  17:  /*    create binary tree, with one parameter.
  18:      the binary tree is inputed through pre order,
  19:      1
  20:     2 3, is input as 1 2 -1 -1 3 -1 -1,(-1 represent nil node);
  21:  */
  22:  btree<double> * create_btr(btree<double> **root)
  23:  {
  24:      double data ;
  25:      cin>>data;
  26:      /* -1.0 represent the nil node */
  27:      if(data == -1.0) 
  28:      {
  29:          *root=NULL;
  30:      }
  31:      else
  32:      {
  33:          *root = new btree<double>();
  34:          (*root)->data = data;
  35:          (*root)->lchild = create_btr(&(*root)->lchild);
  36:          (*root)->rchild = create_btr(&(*root)->rchild);        
  37:      }
  38:      return *root;
  39:  }
  41:  /*create binary tree without parameter!*/
  42:  btree<double>* create_btr()
  43:  {
  44:      double data;
  45:      cin >> data;
  46:      if(data == -1)
  47:          return NULL; //return nill node
  48:      else
  49:      {
  50:          btree<double> *T = new btree<double>;
  51:          T->data = data;
  52:          T->lchild = create_btr();
  53:          T->rchild = create_btr();
  54:          return T;
  55:      }
  56:  }
  58:  void preorder(btree<double> *r)
  59:  {
  60:      if(r==NULL)
  61:          return;
  62:      cout << r->data << endl;
  63:      preorder(r->lchild);
  64:      preorder(r->rchild);
  65:  }
  67:  void inorder(btree<double> *r)
  68:  {
  69:      if(NULL==r)
  70:          return;
  71:      inorder(r->lchild);
  72:      cout << r->data<<endl;
  73:      inorder(r->rchild);
  74:  }
  75:  void postorder(btree<double> *r)
  76:  {
  77:      if(NULL==r)
  78:          return ;
  79:      postorder(r->lchild);
  80:      postorder(r->rchild);
  81:      cout << r->data<<endl;
  82:  }
  85:  int main()
  86:  {
  87:      btree<double> *root = NULL;
  88:      create_btr(&root);
  89:      //btree<double> *T = create_btr();
  90:      preorder(root);
  91:      inorder(root);
  92:      postorder(root);
  93:      //inorder(T);
  94:      return 0;
  95:  }