Sicily 1543. Completing Brackets 解题报告


Time Limit: 1 secs, Memory Limit: 32 MB


A series of brackets is complete if we can pair off each left bracket '[' with a right bracket ']' that occurs later in the series. Every bracket must participate in exactly one such pair.

Given a String text add the minimal number of brackets to the beginning and/or end of text to make it complete. Return the result.


Each line of input contains a string, text. text will have between 1 and 50 characters inclusive, and contain only the characters "[" and "]". Process to the end of input.


Output one line for each case, the result.

Sample Input


Sample Output





这里count初始化为0,当读到一个左括号时,计数器加1,读到右括号时,计时器减1,而且只要count小于0则马上加1并输出一个'[' (在左边补上数量不够的左括号),读取完后再输出count个的右括号即可。

 1 #include<iostream>
 2 using namespace std;
 4 int main(){
 5     string s;
 6     while(cin>>s){
 7         int count=0;
 8         int len=s.length();
 9         for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
10             if(s[i]=='[')
11                 count++;
12             else{
13                 count--;
14             }
15             if(count<0){
16                 cout<<'[';
17                 count++;
18             }
19         }
20         cout<<s;
21         while(count>0){
22             cout<<']';
23             count--;
24         }
25         cout<<endl;
26     }
27     return 0;
28 }