Win32 处理command line参数列表



 1 typedef std::vector<const TCHAR*> ParamVector;
 3 void parseCommandLine(TCHAR * commandLine, ParamVector & paramVector) {
 4     //params.erase(params.begin());    
 5     //remove the first element, since that is the path of the executable (GetCommandLine does that)
 6     //"D:\WinCE\PowerEditor\\Unicode Debug\bin\notepadPlus_Debug.exe" "D:\My Documents\code.txt"
 8     TCHAR stopChar = TEXT(' ');
 9     if (commandLine[0] == TEXT('\"')) {
10         stopChar = TEXT('\"');
11         commandLine++;
12     }
13     //after the first quote has been removed
14     //D:\WinCE\PowerEditor\\Unicode Debug\bin\notepadPlus_Debug.exe" "D:\My Documents\code.txt"
16     //while this is not really DBCS compliant, space and quote are in the lower 127 ASCII range
17     while(commandLine[0] && commandLine[0] != stopChar)
18     {
19         commandLine++;
20     }
21     //after the argv[0] has been removed
22     //" "D:\My Documents\code.txt"
24     // For unknown reason, the following command :
25     // c:\NppDir>notepad++
26     // (without quote) will give string "notepad++\0notepad++\0"
27     // To avoid the unexpected behavior we check the end of string before increasing the pointer
28     if (commandLine[0] != '\0')
29         commandLine++;    
30     //after the past stopChar has been removed
31     // "D:\My Documents\code.txt"
33     //kill remaining spaces
34     while(commandLine[0] == TEXT(' '))
35         commandLine++;
36     //finaly we got
37     //"D:\My Documents\code.txt"
39     bool isFile = checkSingleFile(commandLine);    //if the command line specifies only a file, open it as such
40     if (isFile) {
41         paramVector.push_back(commandLine);
42         return;
43     }
44     bool isInFile = false;
45     bool isInWhiteSpace = true;
46     paramVector.clear();
47     size_t commandLength = lstrlen(commandLine);
48     for(size_t i = 0; i < commandLength; i++) {
49         switch(commandLine[i]) {
50             case '\"': {        //quoted filename, ignore any following whitespace
51                 if (!isInFile) {    //" will always be treated as start or end of param, in case the user forgot to add an space
52                     paramVector.push_back(commandLine+i+1);    //add next param(since zero terminated generic_string original, no overflow of +1)
53                 }
54                 isInFile = !isInFile;
55                 isInWhiteSpace = false;
56                 //because we don't want to leave in any quotes in the filename, remove them now (with zero terminator)
57                 commandLine[i] = 0;
58                 break; }
59             case '\t':    //also treat tab as whitespace
60             case ' ': {
61                 isInWhiteSpace = true;
62                 if (!isInFile)
63                     commandLine[i] = 0;        //zap spaces into zero terminators, unless its part of a filename
64                 break; }
65             default: {                            //default TCHAR, if beginning of word, add it
66                 if (!isInFile && isInWhiteSpace) {
67                     paramVector.push_back(commandLine+i);    //add next param 
68                     isInWhiteSpace = false;
69                 }
70                 break; }
71         }
72     }
73     //the command line generic_string is now a list of zero terminated strings concatenated, and the vector contains all the substrings
74 }
1 bool checkSingleFile(const TCHAR * commandLine) {
2     TCHAR fullpath[MAX_PATH];
3     ::GetFullPathName(commandLine, MAX_PATH, fullpath, NULL);
4     if (::PathFileExists(fullpath)) {
5         return true;
6     }
8     return false;
9 }