利物浦输了……You'll never walk alone!

1:2,利物浦在雅典输给了AC米兰,虽然场面占优,但输了就是输了,已经改变不了。我看到Alonso很沮丧,我看到Reina很沮丧,我看到加历查(卡拉格)流出了男儿泪……利物浦球员登上领奖台的时候,神情沮丧,现场再次响起了我们的主题曲——《You'll never walk alone》,利物浦球迷是世界上最伟大的球迷,我非常幸运成为当中一员,Liverpool,pound of you!


We lost. We lost and we need to accept it and get on with our lives.

Lets accept what is behind us and plan for the future, we win together and lose together. Liverpool pride of Europe.

是的,we win together,we lose together。

Liverpool,you'll never walk alone! YNWA!!!
