Convert dxf to pdf

Here is the conversion code:

private void import_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string dpath = @"D:pic.dxf";
    string ppath = @"D:pic.pdf";
    createPdf(dpath, ppath);

private static void createPdf(string dxfPath, string pdfPath)
    BackSlashPath documentConverter = new BackSlashPath(dxfPath);
    BackSlashPath outputDocument = new BackSlashPath(pdfPath);
    var outputFormat = (DocumentFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(DocumentFormat), "Pdf");
    var result = GleamTech.DocumentUltimate.DocumentConverter.Convert(documentConverter, outputDocument, outputFormat);

Before using it, you need to add "DocumentUltimate" from "NuGet". The specific operation is as follows: Right click the Reference and select "Manage NuGet Packages...", then type "DocumentUltimate" in the search bar and install it:
