Mysql 8.0.19:skip-grant-table:新变化:坑

  • --skip-grant-tables

    Command-Line Format --skip-grant-tables[={OFF|ON}]
    Type Boolean
    Default Value OFF

    This option affects the server startup sequence:

    • --skip-grant-tables causes the server not to read the grant tables in the mysql system schema, and thus to start without using the privilege system at all. This gives anyone with access to the server unrestricted access to all databases.

      To cause a server started with --skip-grant-tables to load the grant tables at runtime, perform a privilege-flushing operation, which can be done in these ways:

      Privilege flushing might also occur implicitly as a result of other actions performed after startup, thus causing the server to start using the grant tables. For example, mysql_upgrade flushes the privileges during the upgrade procedure.

    • In addition to causing the startup sequence not to load the grant tables, --skip-grant-tables causes the server not to load certain other objects stored in the mysql system schema: plugins that were installed with the INSTALL PLUGIN statement, scheduled events, and user-defined functions (UDFs). To cause plugins to be loaded anyway, use the --plugin-load or --plugin-load-add option.

      --skip-grant-tables does not suppress loading of server components during startup.

    • --skip-grant-tables disables failed-login tracking and temporary account locking because those capabilities depend on the grant tables. See Section 6.2.15, “Password Management”.

    • --skip-grant-tables causes the disabled_storage_engines system variable to have no effect.

    Because starting the server with --skip-grant-tables disables authentication checks, the server also disables remote connections in that case by enabling skip_networking.

  • skip_networking

    Command-Line Format --skip-networking[={OFF|ON}]
    System Variable skip_networking
    Scope Global
    Dynamic No
    SET_VAR Hint Applies No
    Type Boolean
    Default Value OFF

    This variable controls whether the server permits TCP/IP connections. By default, it is disabled (permit TCP connections). If enabled, the server permits only local (non-TCP/IP) connections and all interaction with mysqld must be made using named pipes or shared memory (on Windows) or Unix socket files (on Unix). This option is highly recommended for systems where only local clients are permitted. See Section, “DNS Lookup Optimization and the Host Cache”.

    Because starting the server with --skip-grant-tables disables authentication checks, the server also disables remote connections in that case by enabling skip_networking.


大意:skip-grant-tables 启用后有几个后果:

  1. 权限系统没了,任何人都是最高权限!
  2. 插件系统没了
  3. 计划调度没了
  4. 用户定义函数没了
  5. 失败登录跟踪没了
  6. 临时账号锁定没了
  7. disabled-storage-engines系统变量失效了
  8. TCP/IP网络访问没了!相当于强制实施skip-networking! 坑!坑!坑!



  1. 直接执行flush privileges这个sql语句
  2. 通过管理工具 mysqladmin flush-privileges
  3. 通过管理工具mysqladmin reload
  4. 通过升级工具mysql_upgrade



  1. plugin-load选项
  2. plugin-load-add选项