


    在很多书上都提到HttpServlet都是Singleton模式,因此在Servlet Container里头只会创立一个HttpServlet实例,事实是这样的吗?



public abstract class HttpServlet extends GenericServlet {
    public HttpServlet() {
        // NOOP



    Java Servlet Specification:

    The servlet declaration which is either via the annotation as described in Chapter 8, “Annotations and pluggability” or part of the deployment descriptor of the Web application containing the servlet, as described in Chapter 14, “Deployment Descriptor”, controls how the servlet container provides instances of the servlet. For a servlet not hosted in a distributed environment (the default), the servlet container must use only one instance per servlet declaration. However, for a servlet implementing the SingleThreadModel interface, the servlet container may instantiate multiple instances to handle a heavy request load and serialize requests to a particular instance.




    HttpServlet的实现其实并不是Singleton模式,只是很多Servlet Container只创立了一个Servlet实现。

文章结束给大家分享下程序员的一些笑话语录: 马云喜欢把自己包装成教主,张朝阳喜欢把自己包装成明星,李彦宏喜欢把自己包装成的很知性,丁磊喜欢把自己包装的有创意,李开复总摆出一副叫兽的样子。看来的。其实我想说,缺啥补啥,人之常情。

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