Dropbox面向第三方开发者推出全新的Datastore API



Datastore API在现有的Dropbox Sync API基础上进行了扩展,允许开发者在Dropbox上保存文件。开发者可通过Datastore同步数据库保存app的数据,设置,联系人,或者其他用户创建的内容。Dropbox的同步技术支持跨多个设备和多个平台数据保存,可以让开发者省去不少时间。


Dropbox CEO Drew Houston在和记者的问答对话中表示,现在还不打算改变Dropbox技术的商业模式,也不打算对使用其同步平台的开发者收费。


“We’ve never taken money from developers and we don’t have any plans to,” Houston said. That doesn’t necessarily mean that Dropbox will never, ever do it (“It’s conceivable that there would be services in the future where there would be some cost associated with the developer”), but he added, “Because we have a strong core business model, I don’t think that monetizing developers will be an important thing for us for the foreseeable future.”


关于Datastore API 更多详细信息可查看:https://www.dropbox.com/developers/datastore


