

 1 /*
 2 * param d: our project's color file
 3 * param s: the skin package's color file
 4 * result: the 'd' color will be replaced
 5 */
 6 public void changeColor(String d, String s)
 7 {
 8   //eg:
 9    //String d = "E:/workspace35/Lianluosms/color.xml";
10    //String s = "E:/workspace35/QiQiuMa/color.xml";
11    DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
12    try
13    {
14      Map<String, String> map_same = new HashMap<String, String>();
15      DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
16      Document doc_default = db.parse(d);
17      Element root_default = doc_default.getDocumentElement();
18      NodeList nl_default = root_default.getElementsByTagName("color");
19      Document doc_skin = db.parse(s);
20      Element root_skin = doc_skin.getDocumentElement();
21      NodeList nl_skin = root_skin.getElementsByTagName("color");
22      for(int i = 0; i < nl_skin.getLength(); i++)
23       {
24           Element ed = (Element)nl_skin.item(i);
25           map_same.put(ed.getAttribute("name"), ed.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
26       }
27       for(int i = 0; i < nl_default.getLength(); i++)
28       {
29           Element ed = (Element)nl_default.item(i);
30           String key = ed.getAttribute("name");
31           if(map_same.containsKey(key))
32           {
33               ed.getFirstChild().setNodeValue(map_same.get(key));
34               map_same.remove(key);
35           }
36       }
37       Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iter = map_same.entrySet().iterator();
38       while(iter.hasNext())
39       {
40           Map.Entry<String, String> entry = (Map.Entry<String, String>);
41           String key = entry.getKey();
42           String value = entry.getValue();
43           Element color = doc_default.createElement("color");
44           Attr attr = doc_default.createAttribute("name");
45           attr.setValue(key);
46           color.setAttributeNode(attr);
47           Text txtco = doc_default.createTextNode(value);
48           color.appendChild(txtco);
49           root_default.appendChild(color);
50       }
51       DOMSource source=new DOMSource(doc_default);
52       StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new File(d));
54      TransformerFactory tff = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
55       Transformer tf = tff.newTransformer();
56       tf.transform(source, result);
57    }
58    catch(Exception e)
59    {
60       e.printStackTrace();
61    }
