
错误:The service '/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc' cannot be activated due to an exception during compilation. The exception message is: Value cannot be null.
>Parameter name: addresses


Do you get the same behavior when you goto:

1. Settings -> Customization -> Developer Resources

2. Click the URL for the OData End-Point?   It should open in the browser.  If there are issues with the end point itself you should get the same or similiar errors when clicking the link directly.

I'm assuming in IIS you added the https binding to the website as well?  Also, what kind of certificate are you using for SSL is it a *. cert or a named cert.  If it's a named cert there is the potential that the name of the SSL certificate does not match the server name/url that is set as the primary.  This could be causing an issue potentially.

What do you get for the URL's in Deployment Manager:

1. Start Deployment Manager

2. Right click Microsoft Dynamics CRM (in the left-hand pane)

3. Click Properties

4. It will display the default URL bindings for the website.  Are these showing http/https? 
