


Writing snippets

Template syntax

Plain Text

Arbitrary text can be included as the content of a template. They are usually interpreted as plain text, except $ and `. You need to use \ to escape them: \$ and \`. The \ itself may also needed to be escaped as \\ sometimes.

Embedded Emacs-lisp code

Emacs-Lisp code can be embedded inside the template, written inside back-quotes (`). The lisp forms are evaluated when the snippet is being expanded. The evaluation is done in the same buffer as the snippet being expanded.

Here's an example for c-mode to calculate the header file guard dynamically:

#ifndef ${1:_`(upcase (file-name-nondirectory (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name))))`_H_}
#define $1


#endif /* $1 */

Tab step fields

Placeholder fields


We refer the tab stops with placeholders as a field. A field can have mirrors. Its mirrors will get updated when you change the text of a field.

Post by: Jalen Wang (转载请注明出处)
