【LeetCode】12 & 13

12 - Integer to Roman

Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.

Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.

Solution: 枚举,考虑每个字符以及每两个字符的组合

 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     string intToRoman(int num) {    //runtime:28ms
 4         string ret;
 5         //M<-->1000
 6         while(num >= 1000)
 7         {
 8             ret += 'M';
 9             num -= 1000;
10         }
11         //to here, num < 1000
12         //CM<-->900
13         if(num >= 900)
14         {
15             ret += "CM";
16             num -= 900;
17         }
18         //to here, num < 900
19         //D<-->500
20         if(num >= 500)
21         {
22             ret += 'D';
23             num -= 500;
24         }
25         //to here, num < 500
26         if(num >= 400)
27         {
28             ret += "CD";
29             num -= 400;
30         }
31         //to here, num < 400
32         //C<-->100
33         while(num >= 100)
34         {
35             ret += 'C';
36             num -= 100;
37         }
38         //to here, num < 100
39         //XC<-->90
40         if(num >= 90)
41         {
42             ret += "XC";
43             num -= 90;
44         }
45         //to here, num < 90
46         //L<-->50
47         if(num >= 50)
48         {
49             ret += 'L';
50             num -= 50;
51         }
52         //to here, num < 50
53         //XL<-->40
54         if(num >= 40)
55         {
56             ret += "XL";
57             num -= 40;
58         }
59         //to here, num < 40
60         //X<-->10
61         while(num >= 10)
62         {
63             ret += 'X';
64             num -= 10;
65         }
66         //to here, num < 10
67         //IX<-->9
68         if(num >= 9)
69         {
70             ret += "IX";
71             num -= 9;
72         }
73         //to here, num < 9
74         //V<-->5
75         if(num >= 5)
76         {
77             ret += 'V';
78             num -= 5;
79         }
80         //to here, num < 5
81         //IV<-->4
82         if(num >= 4)
83         {
84             ret += "IV";
85             num -= 4;
86         }
87         //to here, num < 4
88         //I<-->1
89         while(num >= 1)
90         {
91             ret += 'I';
92             num -= 1;
93         }
94         return ret;
95     }
96 };

13 - Roman to Integer

Given a roman numeral, convert it to an integer.

Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.


  • 个位数举例
  • 十位数举例
  • 百位数举例
  • 千位数举例

 Solution 1: 借助map

 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     int romanToInt(string s) {      //runtime:76ms
 4         int ret=0;
 5         map<char,int> m;
 6         m['I']=1;m['V']=5;m['X']=10;m['L']=50;m['C']=100;m['D']=500;m['M']=1000;
 7         for(int i=1;i<s.size();i++){
 8             if(m[s[i]]<=m[s[i-1]])ret+=m[s[i-1]];
 9             else
10                 ret-=m[s[i-1]];
11         }
12         ret+=m[s[s.size()-1]];
13         return ret;
14     }
15 };

Solution 2: 每个字符前的字符确定,C前只可能是C或X,M前只可能是M或C

 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     int romanToInt(string s) {      //runtime: 36ms
 4         int n = 0;
 5         char lastC = 0;
 6         for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i ++)
 7         {
 8             switch(s[i])
 9             {
10                 case 'I':
11                     n += 1;     
12                     lastC = s[i];
13                     break;
14                 case 'V':
15                     if(lastC == 'I')
16                     {//IV
17                         n -= 1;
18                         n += 4;
19                         lastC = 0;
20                     }
21                     else
22                     {
23                         n += 5;     
24                         lastC = s[i];   
25                     }
26                     break;
27                 case 'X':
28                     if(lastC == 'I')
29                     {//IX
30                         n -= 1;
31                         n += 9;
32                         lastC = 0;
33                     }
34                     else
35                     {
36                         n += 10;  
37                         lastC = s[i];
38                     }
39                     break;
40                 case 'L':
41                     if(lastC == 'X')
42                     {//XL
43                         n -= 10;
44                         n += 40;
45                         lastC = 0;
46                     }
47                     else
48                     {
49                         n += 50;  
50                         lastC = s[i];
51                     }
52                     break;
53                 case 'C':
54                     if(lastC == 'X')
55                     {//XC
56                         n -= 10;
57                         n += 90;
58                         lastC = 0;
59                     }
60                     else
61                     {
62                         n += 100;   
63                         lastC = s[i];   
64                     }
65                     break;
66                 case 'D':
67                     if(lastC == 'C')
68                     {//CD
69                         n -= 100;
70                         n += 400;
71                         lastC = 0;
72                     }
73                     else
74                     {
75                         n += 500;
76                         lastC = s[i];
77                     }
78                     break;
79                 case 'M':
80                     if(lastC == 'C')
81                     {//CM
82                         n -= 100;
83                         n += 900;
84                         lastC = 0;
85                     }
86                     else
87                     {
88                         n += 1000;
89                         lastC = s[i];
90                     }
91                     break;
92                 default:
93                     return 0;
94             }
95         }
96         return n;
97     }
98 };