键盘控制 不及格的程序员

Beginning iOS 4 Application Development 

 6. Keyboard inputs
whAt yOu will leArn in thiS chApter
How to customize the keyboard for diff erent types of inputs
How to hide the keyboard when you are done typing
How to detect when a keyboard is visible or not
How to use ScrollView to contain other views
How to shift views to make way for the keyboard
One of the controversial aspects of the iPhone is the multi-touch keyboard that enables users
to input data into their iPhone. Critics of the iPhone have criticized its lack of a physical key-
board for data entry, whereas ardent supporters of virtual keyboards swear by its ease of use.
What makes the iPhone keyboard so powerful is its intelligence in tracking what you type,
followed by suggestions for the word you are typing, and automatically correcting the spelling
and inserting punctuation for you. What’s more, the keyboard knows when to appear at the
right time — it appears when you tap a Text Field view, and it goes away automatically when
you tap a non-input view. You can also input data in different languages.
For iPhone application programmers, the key concern is how to integrate the keyboard into the
application. How do you make the keyboard go away naturally when it is no longer needed?
And how do you ensure that the view the user is currently interacting with is not blocked by the
keyboard? In this chapter, you learn various ways to deal with the keyboard programmatically. 


9. 新的输入方法

iPhone_and_iPad_in_Action(iOS3.2 and iOS4)
19.1 Custom keyboard accessories

iphone sdk 3 programming advanced mobile development for apple iphone and ipod touch
16 Custom UI Components
16.1 Text Field Alert View
16.2 Table Alert View
16.3 Progress Alert View 



之前认为Apple 的iOS 设计的要比 Android 稳定,我错了吗?


如果在Android手机中可以简单联接到ddms,就可以查看系统log,很容易看到程序为什么出错,在iPhone中如何得知呢?试试Organizer吧,分析一下Device logs,也许有用.


对于博客园里的网友,不敢称为叫"程序员"的人,你们攻击性太强,看来你们是不会想到我的用意的.园子里有不少人都非常喜欢Jeffrey,是因为它的第一版 框架设计 CLR via C#.
而它的另一版被称为好书的 Windows核心编程,更是没有什么深度可言,仅仅是将windows提供的api,以及内核功能再重申了一遍.
