
acclaim    n. 1>喝彩,欢呼:The winner received great  ~.冠军收到了一片欢呼

        2>(尤其指对艺术成就的)称赞,高度评价:Tu Youyou's achievements earned her the ~ of the entire medical community.


      vt. 1>称扬,赞扬:It was ~ed as a great discovery. 那被赞誉为一个伟大的发现。

accommodate  vt. 1>使适应: ~ oneself to the changed circumstances. 是自己适应改变了的环境

            2>调和(分歧):~ a dispute. 调节一场争端

         3>帮助,给.......提供方便:I shall try my best to ~ you whenever possible.无论何时,只要有可能,我将尽力帮你。

         4>向.....提供住处(或膳宿):They hope you will be able to ~ him at your hotel.他们希望你的旅馆能为他们提供膳宿

         5>容纳,接纳:Only flat can ~ a family of five.一套单元房可以容纳一个五口之家。
