

     * 获取一个新的科目编码
     * @param parentCode 上级科目代码
     * @author 吕嘉鸣
    public String getNewCode(String subjectTableName, Long deptId, String parentCode) {
        String oldCode = parentCode;
        parentCode = parentCode + "___";
        String newCode = sysSubjectMapper.getNewCode(subjectTableName, deptId, parentCode);
        if (null == newCode || "".equals(newCode)) {
            return oldCode + "001";
        } else {
            String tailCode = newCode.substring(newCode.length() - 3, newCode.length());

            newCode = oldCode + String.format("%03d", Integer.valueOf(tailCode) + 1);
        return newCode;

     * 根据当前科目编码获取最小可用值
     * @param tableName 科目表名
     * @param deptId 机构id
     * @param parentCode 上级科目代码
     * @return 未使用的最小的科目编码
     * @author 吕嘉鸣(idea)

    @Select(" SELECT code AS newCode " +
            " FROM ${tableName} AS t1 WHERE  t1.`code` LIKE #{parentCode}  AND  right(code, 3) != '999' AND t1.deleted = 0" +
            " AND not exists(select code  FROM ${tableName} AS t2 WHERE t2.dept_id = #{deptId} AND t2.deleted = 0 AND  CONVERT(t2.code,SIGNED)=CONVERT(t1.code,SIGNED)+1  ) order by CONVERT(right(code, 3),SIGNED) limit 1;")
    String getNewCode(String tableName,Long deptId,String parentCode);