Quartz.NET笔记(十二) Miscellaneous Features of Quartz


Quartz provides an interface (ISchedulerPlugin) for plugging-in additional functionality.

Plugins that ship with Quartz to provide various utililty capabilities can be found documented in the Quartz.Plugins namespace. They provide functionality such as auto-scheduling of jobs upon scheduler startup, logging a history of job and trigger events, and ensuring that the scheduler shuts down cleanly when the virtual machine exits.


When a trigger fires, the Job it is associated to is instantiated via the JobFactory configured on the Scheduler. The default JobFactory simply activates a new instance of the job class. You may want to create your own implementation of JobFactory to accomplish things such as having your application's IoC or DI container produce/initialize the job instance.

See the IJobFactory interface, and the associated Scheduler.SetJobFactory(fact) method.

'Factory-Shipped' Jobs

Quartz also provides a number of utility Jobs that you can use in your application for doing things like sending e-mails and invoking remote objects. These out-of-the-box Jobs can be found documented in the Quartz.Jobs namespace.

Plug-Ins 插件




当触发器触发时,与之相关联的任务被Scheduler中配置的JobFactory所实例化。缺省的JobFactory只是简单地创建一个Job实例。你也许想创建自己的JobFactory实现,以完成诸如让应用的IoC 或者 DI容器产生/初始化job实例的功能。

查看IJobFactory 接口及与之相关的Scheduler.SetJobFactory(fact)方法。

'Factory-Shipped' Jobs

