


310.The RVPC user can do which of the following? (Choose all that apply.)

A. Register databases if granted the register database privilege

B. See all databases in the recovery-catalog schema

C. See all database-related metadata in the recovery catalog if they are granted access to that database

D. Unregister databases from the RVPC catalog that were not granted to the RVPC catalog owner with the grant command

E. Not be connected to with the RMAN command-line catalog parameter for backup or recovery purposes

Answer: AC
从309题中,RVPC为VPN所有者,即是虚拟专用目录的用户,基本目录的所有者可为VPC 所有者授予访问先前注册的数据库的权限或授予REGISTER权限,然后,虚拟目录所有者可连接到特定目标的目录,或者注册一个目标数据库,前提是VPN所有者有相应的权限。配置完VPC 之后,VPC 所有者可像使用标准基本目录一样使用该目录。