

 * @Title:TrendLines.java
 * @Package:com.fusionchart.model
 * @Description:趋势线
 * @author:Youhaidong(游海东)
 * @date:2013-8-25 下午12:49:28
 * @version V1.0
package com.fusionchart.model;

 * 类功能说明
 * 类修改者 修改日期
 * 修改说明
 * <p>Title:TrendLines.java</p>
 * <p>Description:游海东个人开发</p>
 * <p>Copyright:Copyright(c)2013</p>
 * @author:游海东
 * @date:2013-8-25 下午12:49:28
 * @version V1.0
public class TrendLines {
	 * 数据类型:number
	 * 适用范围:数值
	 * 使用描述:这个是趋势线的起始值,如果趋势线的值从100-120,
	 * 那么startValue=100
	private double startValue;
	 * 数据类型:number
	 * 适用范围:数值
	 * 使用描述:这个是趋势线的终止值,如果趋势线的值从100-120,
	 * 那么endValue=120;如果没有给出,endValue=startValue
	private double endValue;
	 * 数据类型:String
	 * 适用范围:
	 * 使用描述:displayValue='Last Month High',
	 * 如果没有给出,displayValue自动代替startValue
	private String displayValue;
	 * 数据类型:String
	 * 适用范围:十六进制表示
	 * 使用描述:趋势线和趋势线有关文字的颜色
	private String color;
	 * 数据类型:Boolean
	 * 适用范围:0/1
	 * 使用描述:趋势线是显示一条线还是一个区域
	private Boolean isTrendZone;
	 * 数据类型:Boolean
	 * 适用范围:0/1
	 * 使用描述:趋势线或趋势区域是显示在数据框上面还是下面
	private Boolean showOnTop;
	 * 数据类型:number
	 * 适用范围:In Pixels
	 * 使用描述:趋势线的厚度
	private double thickness;
	 * 数据类型:number
	 * 适用范围:0-100
	 * 使用描述:趋势线的透明度
	private double alpha;
	 * 数据类型:Boolean
	 * 适用范围:0/1
	 * 使用描述:趋势线是否显示成虚线
	private Boolean dashed;
	 * 数据类型:number
	 * 适用范围:In Pixels
	 * 使用描述:趋势线的虚线长度
	private double dashLen;
	 * 数据类型:number
	 * 适用范围:In Pixels
	 * 使用描述:趋势线的虚线间隙
	private double dashGap;
	 * 数据类型:Boolean
	 * 适用范围:0/1
	 * 使用描述:趋势线的值是显示右边还是左边
	private Boolean valueOnRight;
	 * 数据类型:String
	 * 适用范围:
	 * 使用描述:趋势线或趋势区域的文本描述
	private String toolText;

	 * @return the startValue
	public double getStartValue() {
		return startValue;

	 * @param startValue the startValue to set
	public void setStartValue(double startValue) {
		this.startValue = startValue;

	 * @return the endValue
	public double getEndValue() {
		return endValue;

	 * @param endValue the endValue to set
	public void setEndValue(double endValue) {
		this.endValue = endValue;

	 * @return the displayValue
	public String getDisplayValue() {
		return displayValue;

	 * @param displayValue the displayValue to set
	public void setDisplayValue(String displayValue) {
		this.displayValue = displayValue;

	 * @return the color
	public String getColor() {
		return color;

	 * @param color the color to set
	public void setColor(String color) {
		this.color = color;

	 * @return the isTrendZone
	public Boolean getIsTrendZone() {
		return isTrendZone;

	 * @param isTrendZone the isTrendZone to set
	public void setIsTrendZone(Boolean isTrendZone) {
		this.isTrendZone = isTrendZone;

	 * @return the showOnTop
	public Boolean getShowOnTop() {
		return showOnTop;

	 * @param showOnTop the showOnTop to set
	public void setShowOnTop(Boolean showOnTop) {
		this.showOnTop = showOnTop;

	 * @return the thickness
	public double getThickness() {
		return thickness;

	 * @param thickness the thickness to set
	public void setThickness(double thickness) {
		this.thickness = thickness;

	 * @return the alpha
	public double getAlpha() {
		return alpha;

	 * @param alpha the alpha to set
	public void setAlpha(double alpha) {
		this.alpha = alpha;

	 * @return the dashed
	public Boolean getDashed() {
		return dashed;

	 * @param dashed the dashed to set
	public void setDashed(Boolean dashed) {
		this.dashed = dashed;

	 * @return the dashLen
	public double getDashLen() {
		return dashLen;

	 * @param dashLen the dashLen to set
	public void setDashLen(double dashLen) {
		this.dashLen = dashLen;

	 * @return the dashGap
	public double getDashGap() {
		return dashGap;

	 * @param dashGap the dashGap to set
	public void setDashGap(double dashGap) {
		this.dashGap = dashGap;

	 * @return the valueOnRight
	public Boolean getValueOnRight() {
		return valueOnRight;

	 * @param valueOnRight the valueOnRight to set
	public void setValueOnRight(Boolean valueOnRight) {
		this.valueOnRight = valueOnRight;

	 * @return the toolText
	public String getToolText() {
		return toolText;

	 * @param toolText the toolText to set
	public void setToolText(String toolText) {
		this.toolText = toolText;

