[ Python ] 递归函数

一、 什么是递归函数



def fact(n):
        if n == 1:
                return 1
        return n * fact(n - 1)


# fact(5)
# ===> 5 * fact(4)
# ===> 5 * (4 * fact(3))
# ===> 5 * (4 * (3 * fact(2)))
# ===> 5 * (4 * (3 * (2 * fact(1))))
# ===> 5 * (4 * (3 * (2 * 1)))
# ===> 5 * (4 * (3 * 2))
# ===> 5 * (4 * 6)
# ===> 5 * 24
# ===> 120



menu = {
        '陕西省': {
        '四川省': {
                        '涪城区': {},
                        '游仙区': {},

def threeTL(dic):
        while True:
                for key in dic: print(key)
                choice = input('>>>').strip()
                if choice == 'b' or choice == 'q': return choice
                elif choice in dic and dic[choice]:
                        res = threeTL(dic[choice])
                        if res == 'q': return 'q'
                elif not choice or choice not in dic:


该实例是选择省打印城市,输入城市打印区, 当用户输入 b 返回上一层,当用户输入 q 退出整个程序,这里最难理解的就是 b 和 q 的用法;



# def threeTL(dic):
#     while True:
#         for key in dic: print(key) # 陕西省、四川省
#         choice = input('>>>').strip()   # 用户输入:陕西省
#         if choice == 'b' or choice == 'q': return choice
#         elif choice in dic and dic[choice]:
#             res = threeTL(dic[choice])  # 递归返回 threeTL(dic['陕西省'])
#             if res == 'q': return 'q'
#         elif not choice or choice not in dic:
#             continue
# def threeTL(dic): # dic = dic['陕西省']
#     while True:
#         for key in dic: print(key) # 西安、咸阳
#         choice = input('>>>').strip()   # 用户输入:西安
#         if choice == 'b' or choice == 'q': return choice
#         elif choice in dic and dic[choice]:
#             res = threeTL(dic[choice])  # 递归返回 threeTL(dic['陕西省']['西安'])
#             if res == 'q': return 'q'
#         elif not choice or choice not in dic:
#             continue
# def threeTL(dic): # dic = dic['陕西省']['西安']
#     while True:
#         for key in dic: print(key) # 未央莲湖高新
#         choice = input('>>>').strip()   # # 用户输入:未央区
#         if choice == 'b' or choice == 'q': return choice
#         elif choice in dic and dic[choice]:
#             res = threeTL(dic[choice])  
#             if res == 'q': return 'q'
#         elif not choice or choice not in dic: # 因为未央区没有值,进入下一次循环

(2)当用户输入 ' b ':

def threeTL(dic): # dic = dic['陕西省']['西安']
        while True:
                for key in dic: print(key) # 未央莲湖高新
                choice = input('>>>').strip()   # # 用户输入:b
                if choice == 'b' or choice == 'q': return choice # 返回'b',程序退出
                elif choice in dic and dic[choice]:
                        res = threeTL(dic[choice])  
                        if res == 'q': return 'q'
                elif not choice or choice not in dic:

def threeTL(dic): # dic = dic['陕西省']
        while True:
                for key in dic: print(key) # 第二次while循环打印 <西安、咸阳>(第一次while循环是在递归函数深入的时候执行)
                choice = input('>>>').strip()   # 第二次while循环到此,用户输入 b
                if choice == 'b' or choice == 'q': return choice # 返回'b',程序退出
                elif choice in dic and dic[choice]:
                        res = threeTL(dic[choice])  # res = 'b', 本次if循环没有匹配到res退出,进行下一次while循环
                        if res == 'q': return 'q'
                elif not choice or choice not in dic:

def threeTL(dic):
        while True:
                for key in dic: print(key) # 第二次while循环打印 <陕西省、四川省>(第一次while循环是在递归函数深入的时候执行)
                choice = input('>>>').strip()   # 第二次while循环到此,用户输入 b
                if choice == 'b' or choice == 'q': return choice # 返回'b',整个程序退出,递归结束
                elif choice in dic and dic[choice]:
                        res = threeTL(dic[choice])  # 递归返回 threeTL(dic['陕西省'])
                        if res == 'q': return 'q'
                elif not choice or choice not in dic:

(3)当用户输入 'q'

def threeTL(dic): # dic = dic['陕西省']['西安']
        while True:
                for key in dic: print(key) # 未央莲湖高新
                choice = input('>>>').strip()   # # 用户输入:q
                if choice == 'b' or choice == 'q': return choice # 返回'q',程序退出
                elif choice in dic and dic[choice]:
                        res = threeTL(dic[choice])  
                        if res == 'q': return 'q'
                elif not choice or choice not in dic:

def threeTL(dic): # dic = dic['陕西省']
        while True:
                for key in dic: print(key) # <西安、咸阳>
                choice = input('>>>').strip()    
                if choice == 'b' or choice == 'q': return choice 
                elif choice in dic and dic[choice]:
                        res = threeTL(dic[choice])  # res = 'q'
                        if res == 'q': return 'q'    # 匹配到 res='q' 返回 'q' 程序退出
                elif not choice or choice not in dic:

def threeTL(dic): # dic = dic['陕西省']['西安']
        while True:
                for key in dic: print(key) # 未央莲湖高新
                choice = input('>>>').strip()   # # 用户输入:q
                if choice == 'b' or choice == 'q': return choice # 返回'q',程序退出
                elif choice in dic and dic[choice]:
                        res = threeTL(dic[choice])  
                        if res == 'q': return 'q'
                elif not choice or choice not in dic: