software Architecture(2)



2软件体系结构风格的组成:a set of component types,a set of connector types/interation mechanisms,a topological layout of these components,a set of constrains on topology an d behavior,an informal description of the costs and benefits of the style.



2、Unstructured programming

all the program code written in a single continuous main program.

disadvantages for large programs:

1) difficult to follow logic;

2)if something needs to be done more than once must be-typed;

3)hard to incorpirated other code;

4)not easily modified;

5)difficult to test praticular portions of the code.

3、Hierarchical decomposition:

the system is designed from a functional viewpoint,starting with a high-level view an d progressively refining this into a more detailed design.

the methodology is exemplified by structured design and stepwise refinement.(结构化设计与逐步细化是这种风格的典型实例)

hierarchical decomposition(逐步分解):

based on definition-use relationship;uses procedure call as interaction mechanism;correctness of a subroutine depend on the correctness of the subroutines it calls(主程序的正确性依赖于它所调用的子程序的正确性).









this has proved to be a highly sucessful design methodology.It has allowed the development of large programs.


however,as program size increases beyond this point(10W行),the approach performs poorly;

we obeserve that code development becomes too slow and that it becomes increamsingly difficult to test the software and guarance its reliablity. 



4、Object-Oriented Style

object is also called abstract data type;

the system is viewed as a collection of objects rather than as functions with messages passed from object to obeject.

eace objects has its own set of associated oprations.(每个对象都有一个它自己的功能集合。数据及作用在数据上的操作被封装成抽象数据类型——对象)

information hidding


an object is responsible for preserving the integrity of its presentation ,and the presentation is hidden from other objects.

model the real world:

program with nouns not verbs, entities defined by actions it suffers and requires(每个对象也定义了它所能执行的动作,以及可以作用在它上面的动作)

component:classes and objects

connectors:objects interact and procedure invocations.



advantages of oo:

reuse  and maintenance : Exploit encapsulation and locality to increase productivity (复用和维护:利用封装和聚合提高生产力)

§Real world mapping: For some systems, there may be an obvious mapping from real world entities to system objects (反映现实世界)
§Easy decomposition of a system: the bundling of a set of accessing routines with the data they manipulate allows designers to decompose problems into collections of interacting agents. (容易分解一个系统)

Characteristics of OO:

Encapsulation: Restrict access to certain information (封装:限制对某些信息的访问)

Interaction: Via procedure calls or similar protocol (交互:通过过程调用或类似的协议)

Polymorphism: Choose the method at run-time (多态:在运行时选择具体的操作)

Inheritance: Keep one definition of shared functionality (继承:对共享的功能保持唯一的接口)

Dynamic binding: Determine actual operation to call at runtime (动态绑定:运行时决定实际调用的操作)


Reuse and maintenance: Exploit capsulation and locality to increase prodycrivity(复用和维护);real world mapping;easy decomposition of a system.

disadvantages of oo:

managements of many objects:Need structures on large set of definitions

in order for one boject to interact with another(via procedure call) it must know

the identity of that object.(必须知道对象的身份)

inheritance introduces complexity and this




