生成 Solution Manager Key

今天偶然得到一个程序,是用来生成 Solution Manager Key 的,有了它,以后装 ECC 版的 SAP 软件就不用到处找人了
&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZSLMKEY *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT ZSLMKEY. types: begin of dswpclientkey, INSTNO type num10, DBID(3), BUNDLE_ID(8), SERVICE_KEY(40), end of dswpclientkey. *data: dswpclientkey_w type standard table of dswpclientkey. DATA: P_VALUE(10), P_INSTNO(10). PARAMETERS: P_SID(3), P_SYSNO(2), P_SERVER(15). START-OF-SELECTION. PERFORM GET_SP_VALUE USING P_SID P_SYSNO P_SERVER P_INSTNO CHANGING P_VALUE. END-OF-SELECTION. WRITE P_VALUE. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form get_sp_value *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_PF_SID text * -->P_PF_SYSNO text * -->P_PF_SERVER text * <--P_PF_VALUE text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_sp_value USING P_PF_SID P_PF_SYSNO P_PF_SERVER P_PF_INSTNO CHANGING P_PF_VALUE. CONSTANTS: lc_part_len TYPE i VALUE 5, lc_pw_len TYPE i VALUE 10, lc_allowed_chars(38) TYPE c VALUE '-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_'. data: lf_string(20) type c, lf_key type i, ls_key type dswpclientkey, lf_part(lc_part_len) type c, lf_finalf(lc_pw_len) type c, lf_finalx type xstring, lf_xbuffer type xstring, lf_opf(10) type c, lf_langu like sy-langu, lf_subrc like sy-subrc, lf_len type i, lo_conv_to_x TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_out_ce. clear: lf_string, lf_finalx, lf_opf. concatenate p_pf_sid p_pf_sysno p_pf_server into lf_string. * Large letters only translate lf_string to upper case. lf_langu = sy-langu. SET LOCALE LANGUAGE 'E'. lo_conv_to_x = cl_abap_conv_out_ce=>create( encoding = '1100' ). lf_len = STRLEN( lf_string ). IF lf_string(lf_len) CN lc_allowed_chars. else. * Fold the input string to a lc_part_len long string WHILE lf_len > 0. lf_part = lf_string(lc_part_len). SHIFT lf_string BY lc_part_len PLACES. lf_len = STRLEN( lf_string ). CALL METHOD lo_conv_to_x->reset. CALL METHOD lo_conv_to_x->write( data = lf_part n = -1 ). lf_xbuffer = lo_conv_to_x->get_buffer( ). lf_finalx = lf_finalx BIT-XOR lf_xbuffer. ENDWHILE. lf_key = 12. PERFORM scramble USING lf_finalx lf_key lc_part_len CHANGING lf_finalf lf_subrc. if not lf_finalf is initial. p_pf_value = lf_finalf. ls_key-dbid = p_pf_sid. ls_key-instno = p_pf_instno. ls_key-bundle_id = 'SM_KEY'. ls_key-service_key = lf_finalf. if not p_pf_instno is initial. * insert dswpclientkey_w from ls_key. if sy-subrc <> 0. * update dswpclientkey_w from ls_key. endif. endif. else. clear p_pf_value. endif. endif. ENDFORM. " get_sp_value *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form scramble *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_LF_FINALX text * -->P_LF_KEY text * -->P_LC_PART_LEN text * <--P_LF_finalf text * <--P_LF_SUBRC text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM scramble USING iv_xstring TYPE xstring iv_key TYPE i iv_src_len TYPE i CHANGING lf_finalf lf_subrc LIKE sy-subrc. CONSTANTS: lc_max_len TYPE i VALUE 20, lc_mask(4) TYPE x VALUE '0000003F', lc_random(64) TYPE x VALUE 'F0ED53B83244F1F876C67959FD4F13A2' & 'C15195EC5483C234774943A27DE26596' & '5E5398789A17A33CD383A8B829FBDCA5' & '55D702778413ACDDF9B83116610E6DFA'. DATA: lv_key_index(4) TYPE x, lv_rand_index(4) TYPE x, lv_xkey(4) TYPE x, lv_xkey_shl_1(4) TYPE x, lv_xkey_shr_5(4) TYPE x, lv_scramble_byte TYPE x, lv_dest(lc_max_len) TYPE x, lv_index TYPE i, lv_len TYPE i. CLEAR lf_subrc. IF iv_src_len EQ 0. EXIT. ENDIF. lv_len = XSTRLEN( iv_xstring ). IF iv_src_len GT lc_max_len OR iv_src_len GT lv_len. lf_subrc = 2. EXIT. ENDIF. lv_xkey = iv_key. lv_xkey_shl_1 = iv_key * 2. lv_xkey_shr_5 = iv_key DIV 32. lv_rand_index = lv_xkey BIT-XOR lv_xkey_shr_5 BIT-XOR lv_xkey_shl_1. lv_rand_index = lv_rand_index BIT-AND lc_mask. lv_index = 0. DO iv_src_len TIMES. CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS compute_int_times_overflow = 1. lv_key_index = ( iv_key * lv_index * lv_index ) - lv_index. ENDCATCH. IF sy-subrc <> 0. lf_subrc = 1. EXIT. ENDIF. lv_scramble_byte = lc_random+lv_rand_index(1) BIT-XOR lv_key_index+3(1). lv_dest+lv_index(1) = iv_xstring+lv_index(1) BIT-XOR lv_scramble_byte. lv_index = lv_index + 1. lv_rand_index = lv_rand_index + 1. lv_rand_index = lv_rand_index BIT-AND lc_mask. ENDDO. IF lf_subrc <> 0. EXIT. ENDIF. WRITE lv_dest(iv_src_len) TO lf_finalf. ENDFORM. " scramble