37. Sudoku Solver

Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells.

Empty cells are indicated by the character '.'.

You may assume that there will be only one unique solution.

A sudoku puzzle...

...and its solution numbers marked in red.


数独游戏规则:规则以及区块的定义在上一个题目Valid Sudoku中介绍过(行、列、区块中每个数字只用一次,均不能重复)。



JAVA解决方法:对每个要填的空从‘1’试到‘9’,时间复杂度是 9 ^ n(n是要填的空有几个)。

public class Solution {
    public void solveSudoku(char[][] board) {
        if(board == null || board.length == 0)
    public boolean solve(char[][] board){
        for(int i = 0; i < board.length; i++){
            for(int j = 0; j < board[0].length; j++){
                if(board[i][j] == '.'){
                    for(char c = '1'; c <= '9'; c++){  //一个个尝试,从‘1’试到‘9’
                        if(isValid(board, i, j, c)){  //isValid函数先判断这个数字是否重复
                            board[i][j] = c;           //把数字填入
                            if(solve(board))          //如果填的这个数以至于之后可以完成数独,等继续完成之后,就返回true
                                return true;          
                            else  //如果填的这个数字,导致之后无法完成整个数独,就把这个空重新置为空(说明填上c这个数字不合适),之后尝试其他数字
                                board[i][j] = '.';    
                    return false;
        return true;
    private boolean isValid(char[][] board, int row, int col, char c){   //判断c是否在当前行、列、区块已经存在
        for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
            if(board[i][col] != '.' && board[i][col] == c) return false; //判断列
            if(board[row][i] != '.' && board[row][i] == c) return false; //判断行
            if(board[3 * (row / 3) + i / 3][ 3 * (col / 3) + i % 3] != '.' && 
board[3 * (row / 3) + i / 3][3 * (col / 3) + i % 3] == c) return false; //判断当前区块3*3的九个位置
        return true;


board[3 * (row / 3) + i / 3][ 3 * (col / 3) + i % 3] != '.' 

