



dssdeploy /p /m:"samples\config\ServiceTutorial1.manifest.xml" ServiceTutorial1.exe

其中需要指定一个manifese.xml文件,因为每一个服务都有一个manifest.xml,当然不能为每个服务都各自打个包了,要把这些服务打成一个包的话,就需要一个新的manifest.xml,新的manifest.xml文件将所有的服务都组合到一起,这样的话就需要用到DSS Manifest Editor 2008 Express这个工具了。

打开这个工具 :


把所有的服务拖放并设置好Partner关系后,选择:Deploy=>Create Deployment Package,或者按快捷键:Ctrl+shift+B。



dssdeploy /p  /cv+ /s- /m:"samples\config\ServiceTutorial1.manifest.xml" ServiceTutorial1.exe

如果想部署到.net cf上的话利用/cf开关即可,下面是所有命令参数:

Option Short Name Description



Archive company, visible in file details, defaults to "Microsoft"



Archive copyright, visible in file details, defaults to "Copyright (c) Microsoft 2006"



Archive title, visible in file details, defaults to "DssDeploy Self Extractor"



Archive version, visible in file details, defaults to ""



Assemblies containing services to be added to archive.



Dss Contracts specifying services to be added to archive.



Build the package for the Compact Framework.



Only deploy to an existing Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio installation with the same version as this one.



Delay-sign the generated assembly.



Additional file references or folders with references, that should be explicitly included. Wildcards may be used.



Display name of Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio installation identified by DeployVersionGuid.



Only deploy to an existing Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio installation with this installation GUID.



Filename of the package description text file.



Filename of the Strong Name Key to use to sign the generated assembly.



Filename of the license agreement to show before installation, this MUST be an RTF file.



Dss Manifest files specifying services to be added to archive.



Archive display name. This is NOT the file name of the archive.



Generates archive in the form of self-extracting executable for deployment across nodes.



Filename of the readme file to show after installation, this SHOULD be an HTML file.



Set ACLs on the deployed files.



Search for additional dependencies in all matches and subdirectores thereof.



Used in unpack operation. Target path for unpacking archive. Current directory used if not specified



Extracts files from specified archive file to the target layout path specified using the /target command line argument.



Verbosity level.



Name of a text file containing arguments. Multiple arguments per line are allowed. An unquoted hash (#) comments out the remainder of a line. An argument file is processed by removing comments, leading and trailing spaces and tabs, processing quotation marks and escape sequences, and then processing the arguments as if they were on the command line.
