
linux 通过dlopen来实现:

#include "polygon.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

int main()
    typedef CPolygon* create_t();

    void * handle = dlopen("./triangle.so", RTLD_LAZY);

    if( !handle )
    std::cerr << dlerror() << std::endl;

    create_t * create_triangle = (create_t *)dlsym(handle, "create");

    CPolygon * pObj = create_triangle();

    if( 0 != pObj )

    delete pObj;

    return 0;

生成动态库:g++ -fPIC -shared triangle.cpp -o triangle.so

生成test主函数:g++ -fPIC test.cpp -ldl -o test


/*                             dynclass.h                                  */
/*  使用的时候#include "dynclass.h",在类的声明后使用DYNCLASS(类名)注册*/  

#ifndef __DYNAMIC_H__
#define __DYNAMIC_H__

#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <cstring>

#if !defined ( DYN_DECLARE )
#define DYN_DECLARE(class_name) DYN_CLASS::CFactory<class_name> class_name

#if !defined ( DYN_CREATE )
#define DYN_CREATE(class_name)   DYN_CLASS::Create(class_name)

namespace DYN_CLASS
    /* create object by class name */
    void * Create( const char * class_name );

    /* interface of class factory*/
    class CAbstractFactory
        virtual void * Create( const char * class_name ) = 0;

    /* list of class factory */
    class CFactoryList
        friend void * Create( const char * class_name );
        static CFactoryList * _head;
        CFactoryList        * m_next;
        CAbstractFactory    * m_item;
        CFactoryList( CAbstractFactory * fact );
        virtual ~CFactoryList( void );

    /* ctor of CFactoryList, add a class factory to list */
    inline CFactoryList::CFactoryList( CAbstractFactory * fact )
                            : m_item( fact )
        m_next = _head;
        _head = this;

#if defined ( _MSC_VER )
    /* disable warning for the following line : CFactory( void ): m_item( this ) {} */
    #pragma warning(disable : 4355)

    /* realization of class factory */
    template <class t>
    class CFactory: public CAbstractFactory
        static t     _object;
        CFactoryList m_item;


/* add itself to list of class factory when constructed */
        CFactory( void ) : m_item( this ) {}

        virtual ~CFactory() {}

/* create object of this class if matched */
        void * Create( const char * class_name )
    std::string strClassName;

#if defined (_MSC_VER )
    strClassName = ( "class " );
            char szSize[4] = {0};
            sprintf(szSize, "%d", strlen(class_name) );
    strClassName = szSize;
            strClassName += class_name;
            printf("%s vs %s 
", typeid(_object).name(), strClassName.c_str());
            /* RTTI support */
            return !strcmp( typeid(_object).name(), strClassName.c_str() )
                    ? (void*)( new t ) : 0 ;

#endif /* __DYNAMIC_H__ */
/*                             dynclass.cpp                                */
#include "dynclass.h"

namespace DYN_CLASS
    CFactoryList * CFactoryList::_head = 0;

    void *Create( const char * class_name )
        void * new_object = 0;
        const CFactoryList * cur = CFactoryList::_head;

        for( ; cur ; cur = cur->m_next )
     /* if class_name matched, object will then be created and returned */
            if( new_object = cur->m_item->Create(class_name) )

        return new_object;

    /* delete linkage from CFactoryList when some class factory destroyed */
    CFactoryList::~CFactoryList( void )
        CFactoryList ** m_nextp = &CFactoryList::_head;

        for( ; *m_nextp ; m_nextp = &(*m_nextp)->m_next )
            if( *m_nextp == this )
                *m_nextp = (*m_nextp)->m_next;


  1. Why does C++ not have reflection?
  2. How can I add reflection to a C++ application?
  3. https://my.oschina.net/u/1450061/blog/204563 
  4. https://my.oschina.net/u/1450061/blog/204608

  5. https://my.oschina.net/u/1450061/blog/204564

  6. http://m.blog.csdn.net/article/details?id=9254239

  7. http://blog.csdn.net/dengyunze/article/details/763558

  8. http://www.ithao123.cn/content-9688046.html
