
REM   "First   check   to   see   if   the   file   can   be   viewed   as   an   image   in   the   browser ";
NoPreviewMsg   :=   "无可用图片   -   附加文件的类型属于未知的图像类型。 ";
SupportedImages   :=   ".gif ": ".jpeg ": ".jpg ": ".jpe ": ".jfif ": ".pjpeg ": ".pjp ";

@If(@Ends(@LowerCase(FileUpFileName);   SupportedImages);   " ";   @Attachments   =   0;   @Return( " ");   @Return(NoPreviewMsg));

REM   "Determine   the   directory   seperator   from   the   platform   that   we   are   running   on ";
DirSep   :=   @If(@Contains(@Platform;   "Win "   :   "OS/2 ");   "\\ ";
                                                      @Contains(@Platform;   "UNIX ");   "/ ";
                                                      @Contains(@Platform;   "Mac ");     ": ";
                                                        " ");

REM   "Construct   the   URL   to   preview   the   file   attachment ";
DBPath   :=   @Subset(@DbName;   -1);
DBPathFixed   :=   @ReplaceSubstring(DBPath;   DirSep;   "/ "   );
View   :=   "LookupPersonalProfiles ";
AbbrName   :=   @Name([Abbreviate];   Who);
replspName   :=   @ReplaceSubstring(AbbrName;   "   ";   "# ");
KeyName   :=   @ReplaceSubstring(replspName;   "/ ";   "_ ");

key   :=   @Subset(@AttachmentNames;   1);

DocID   :=   @Text(@DocumentUniqueID);
URL   :=   "[ <img   src= "   +   "\ "/ "   +   DBPathFixed   +   "/ "   +   View   +   "/ "   +   KeyName   +   "/$file/ "   +   Key   +   "\ "> ] ";
"[ <BR> ] "+U
