windows 安装 nodejs指定版本

window server 2008 安装 node-v16.11.0-x64时报  This application only supported on window8.1, windows Server 2012R2,or higher。 

经查 window server 2008能 node-v13及以下版本。

于是在网站: 下载node-v13.8.0-x64。



安装完成后,在项目中执行npm install 可能会报:

You are likely using a version of node-tar or npm that is incompatible with this version of Node.js.
Please use either the version of npm that is bundled with Node.js, or a version of npm (> X or < X) or node-tar (> X) that is compa
tible with Node.js X and above


  1、npm uninstall -g npm

  2、npm install -g npm
