
差集定义:一般地,设A,B是两个集合,由所有属于A且不属于B的元素组成的集合,叫做集合A减集合B(或集合A与集合B之差),类似地,对于集合A.B,我们把集合{x/x∈A,且x¢B}叫做A与B的差集,记作A-B记作A-B(或AB),即A-B={x|x∈A,且x ¢B}(或AB={x|x∈A,且x ¢B} B-A={x/x∈B且x¢A} 叫做B与A的差集

下面来介绍一下hive常用的求差集方法,左(右)连接 left (outer) join


1 hive> select * from A a left outer join B b on a.uid=b.uid and a.goods=b.goods;
2 1    2    1    2
3 1    3    NULL    NULL
4 2    1    NULL    NULL
5 2    3    2    3
6 3    1    NULL    NULL
7 Time taken: 12.735 seconds, Fetched: 5 row(s)


1 hive> select a.* from A a left outer join B b on a.uid=b.uid and a.goods=b.goods where b.uid is null and b.goods is null;
2 1    3
3 2    1
4 3    1
5 Time taken: 13.023 seconds, Fetched: 3 row(s)

