



 1  string sql = "select * from StuInfo s inner join Class c on s.CId=c.CId where 1=1";
 2  if (sid != 0)
 3  {
 4      sql += " and s.SId=" + sid;
 5  }
 6  else if (sname != null)
 7  {
 8      sql += " and s.SName='" + sname + "'";
 9  }
10  return sql.ToString();


 1  var stu = from s in _context.StuInfo
 2            join c in _context.Class on s.CId equals c.CId
 3            select new
 4            {
 5                s.SId,
 6                s.SName,
 7                s.SSex,
 8                s.SAge,
 9                s.SHobby,
10                c.CName
11            };
12  if (sid != 0)
13  {
14      stu = stu.Where(p => p.SId == sid);//使用lambda表达式
15  }
16  else if (sname != null)
17  {
18      stu = stu.Where(p => p.SName.Contains(sname));
19  }
20  stu.ToList();//所有的if只有到此处才会执行

