OrcasBeta1 installed 玩一玩Silverlight

Virtual 机下载官方地址


Today, I was installing the VPC (Virtual PC image) that Microsoft provides for all early adopters on future technologies, including .net 3.0. I intend to use this VPC for my presentation later this month.

This image-file includes a whole lot of CTP/preview versions, as can be seen here.

However, when opening the file, I received the following notice: E:\VPC\TimeBombedBase\Base01.vhd cannot be found... Appearantly, this is the parent image, of which the CTP is a differencing disk.

On the setup instructions page, MS appearantly forgot to mention that this 4GB download also requires you to obtain the parent VPC image, a 1.1GB download...
This file can be found here: http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/4/9/5499b008-8ae7-46f0-89ae-aeeb18df67ae/VSCTPBase.exe

Username: Administrator
Password: P2ssw0rd (数字0)
