Code Guide (HTML)

Golden rule

Every line of code should appear to be written by a single person, no matter the number of contributors.


  • Use soft tabs with two spaces—they're the only way to guarantee code renders the same in any environment.
  • Nested elements should be indented once (two spaces).
  • Always use double quotes, never single quotes, on attributes.
  • Don't include a trailing slash in self-closing elements—the HTML5 spec says they're optional.
  • Don't omit optional closing tags(e.g.</li>).

2.HTML5 doctype

  • <!DOCTYPE html>

3.Language attribute

  • <html lang="en-us">

4.Character encoding

  • <meta charset="UTF-8">

5.CSS and JavaScript includes

  • typically there is no need to specify a type when including CSS and JavaScript files as text/css and text/javascript are there rerspictive defaults
  • <link rel="stylesheets href="code-guide.css">
  • <script src=code-guide.js“></script>

6.Practicality over purity

  • Strive to maintain HTML standards and semantics, but not at the expense of practicality. Use the least amount of markup with the fewest intricacies whenever possible.

7.Attribute order

  • HTML attributes should come in this particular order for easier reading of code.
    • class
    • id, name
    • data-*
    • src, for, type, href, value
    • title, alt
    • role, aria-*
  • Classes make for great reusable components, so they come first. Ids are more specific and should be used sparingly, so they come second.

8.Boolean attributes

  • A boolean attributes is one that needs no declared value
  • e.g.: <input type="text" disabled> 

9.Reducing markup

  • Whenever possible, avoid superfluous parent elements when writing HTML.

10.JavaScript generated markup

  • Writing markup in JavaScript file makes the content harder to find, harder to edit, and less performant. Avoid it whenever possible.