Generate Parentheses

Given n pairs of parentheses, write a function to generate all combinations of well-formed  parentheses.

For  example, given n = 3, a solution set is:

"((()))","(()())", "(())()", "()(())", "()()()"




//结果集中的每一个结果,在其中的每个'(' 的
int getreslen(int n)
	if(n == 1)	return 1;

	return 2 * (n-1) * getreslen(n-1);

void getres(int left, int right, char *oneres, int oneresindex, char **res, int *index)
	if(left == 0 && right == 0)
		char *buf = calloc(strlen(oneres)+1, sizeof(char));
		sprintf(buf, "%s", oneres);
		res[*index] = buf;

	if(left > 0)
		oneres[oneresindex] = '(';
		getres(left-1, right, oneres, oneresindex+1, res, index);

	if(right > 0 && right > left)
		oneres[oneresindex] = ')';
		getres(left, right-1, oneres, oneresindex+1, res, index);

char** generateParenthesis(int n, int* returnSize) 
	char **resn;
	int sizen = 0;
	int curindex = 0;

	sizen = getreslen(n);
	resn = calloc(sizen, sizeof(char *));

	char *oneres = calloc(2*n+1, sizeof(char));

	getres(n, n, oneres, 0, resn, &curindex);
	*returnSize = curindex;

	return resn;


