Failed to load sql modules into the database cluster during PostgreSQL Installation



在C盘新建两个文件夹,postinstall  postdata

并将这两个文件夹赋予 Network Service 完全读取和写入权限

三、创建用户, 并使用命令行进行软件安装。

1.)Uninstall PostgreSQL

2.)Delete the postgres user if it still exists :

net user postgres /delete


3.) Create the postgres user with a password you can remember:

net user /add postgres <password>

4.) Add the postgres user to the Administrators group:

net localgroup administrators postgres /add


5.) Add the postgres user to the Power Users group

net localgroup "power users" postgres /add

6.) Run a command window as the postgres user:

runas /user:postgres cmd.exe


7.) Run the install file from within the command window.


->his should run the installation successfully.


8.)Remove the postgres user from the Administrators group.

net localgroup administrators postgres /delete     
