%  matlab file  RMVANNUAL


 %  Purpose is to remove the annual cycle of a time series -- carefully.

 %      The method is to compute the  FFT,  replace the power at the annual

 %      frequency by averaging the values on each side, rather than removing

 %      it entirely.  Then the fft is inverted to return to the time domain.

 %      The same thing is done in phase


 %      The program must be run again for each harmonic; it seems

 %      appropriate to avoid mucking up the time series if there is little power

 %      in the vicinity of a specific harmonic term, altho' it is a bit of a

 %      bother (but trivial) to have to run it several times.  


 %      The program works equally well for any specific Fourier term of

 %      course


 %   5 May 2008   WS


 %      version 1.0  beta


 %    **************************


 %     ---  in lower case ---

 %     and calls an external routine  DOPGRAM 

 %     N.B.  the program does not check to be sure the length of the data

 %     vector is an exact multiple of the annual frequency; user's job


 %     The output vector is  "  X2 " ; input x is detrended.


 %     ****************************


 x = detrend(x);

 %  clear the graphics window just to be safe



 %   First we compute the Fourier transform and look to see if there is a

 %   large amount of power at the frequencies we are concerned about

 %    use a routine called dopgram; it only shows power in the raw

 %    periodogram


 xin = x;



 xlabel (' raw fft --hit any key to continue')



 %  compute the Fourier transform and plot power and phase

 pin = fft(x);


 subplot(211),plot(abs(pin)), title('  Power')

 xlabel(' sine terms come first, then cosine terms ')

 subplot(212),plot(angle(pin)/pi),title ('  Phase, hit any key to continue'), pause


 l = length(pin)     % just to show the length of the signal

 nout = input ('   Which frequency component do we want suppressed?     ')

 % smooth over the adjacent bands

 nn=nout+1 ; %  the first term is the mean value 

 pin(nn) = ( pin(nn-1) + pin(nn+1))/2;   % that gets the "a" term - sine

 n2=l-nout+1 ;

 pin(n2) = ( pin(n2-1) + pin(n2+1))/2;   %   and the "b" term - cosine

 % now look at it to be safe

 %  but only plot a limited part of Freq space for high resolution


 plot(abs(pin(1:3*nn)),'-x'), title ( '    Power after the freq point has been clipped  ')

 hold on, plot(abs(pinsave(1:3*nn)),'r')

 xlabel(' original is in red, hit any key to continue')


clear x2, hold off

 x2 = real(ifft(pin));


 %     Now that we've done it, let's look at it.

 %     first, look at the fft




 loglog(pgsave),hold on, loglog(rawpgram,'r')

 xlabel( ' the clipped version is in red, hit any key to continue')



 % now look at the time series itself

 hold off, plot(x), hold, plot(x2, 'g')

 title ( 'Signal before & after (G) the freq point was  clipped  ')

 xlabel (' hit any key to continue' ),pause

 hold off, clf
