GNU make manual 翻译( 一百二十二)


   The double-colon rules for a target are executed in the order they
appear in the makefile.  However, the cases where double-colon rules
really make sense are those where the order of executing the recipes
would not matter.

   Double-colon rules are somewhat obscure and not often very useful;
they provide a mechanism for cases in which the method used to update a
target differs depending on which prerequisite files caused the update,
and such cases are rare.

   Each double-colon rule should specify a recipe; if it does not, an
implicit rule will be used if one applies.  *Note Using Implicit Rules:
Implicit Rules.



每个双冒号规则应当指定一个片段;如果不这样做,一个隐式规则将会被适用。*Note Using Implicit Rules: Implicit Rules.

