GAPI is the Google Analytics PHP5 Interface

GAPI 即 Google Analytics PHP5 Interface ,


  • 自动选择连接方式是curl或fopen
  • 支持GA维度指标数据
  • 账户数据映射-获得参数的方法
  • 报告数据映射-获得维度和指标的方法
  • 容易使用的过滤器
  • 面向对象的代码可以让你在其他系统中使用。


接口介绍: Google Analytic 数据导出API接口


GAPI is the Google Analytics PHP5 Interface.


* Supports CURL and fopen HTTP access methods, with autodetection
* PHP arrays for Google Analytics metrics and dimensions
* Account data object mapping - get methods for parameters
* Report data object mapping - get methods for metrics and parameters
* Easy filtering, using a GAPI query language for Google Analytics filters
* Full PHP5 Object Oriented code, ready for use in your PHP application 

Version Log:

1.3 - This version contains fixes for the handling of very large metric values represented in scientific notation. Thanks to austinrehab for raising this issue. 
1.2 - Custom filtering for GAPI. Fix for reverse sorting.
1.1 - Object based storage for account data.
0.9 - GAPI Beta. Object based storage for report data.