

#ifndef C_LIST_H

#define C_LIST_H

#ifndef ERR

#define ERR -1

#define OK 1


#ifndef MAX

#define MAX 100

#define MIN 0


typedef int status;

typedef int type;

typedef struct listitem {

    type           date;//节点数据

    struct listitem *next;//指向下个节点  

} list_node;//链表节点

typedef struct {

    struct listitem  *ptr;//链表头指针

    int              size;//链表长度

} list;//链表

list* list_init ( void );//初始化

status list_destroy( list* );//销毁

status add_node( list*, const type );//加入一个节点

status delete_all( list* );//清空

status delete_node( list*, list_node* );//删除一个节点

status insert_node( list*, const type );//插入一个节点

list_node* find_node( const list*, const type );//查找

status list_print( const list* );//打印



#include "stdio.h"

#include "stdlib.h"

#include "C_list.h"

list* list_init ( void )


    list *p = ( list* )malloc( sizeof( list ) );

    if( p == 0 )

       return 0;

    p->ptr = 0;  

    p->size = 0;

    return p;


status list_destroy( list *pev )


    if( pev == 0 )

       return ERR;

    delete_all( pev );

    free( pev );

    return OK;


status add_node( list *p, const type date )


    list_node *pev =

       ( list_node* )malloc( sizeof( list_node ) );

    if( pev == 0 )

       return ERR;

    pev->date = date;

    pev->next = p->ptr;

    p->ptr = pev;


    return OK;


status delete_node( list *p, list_node *pev )


    list_node *temp = pev;

    if( pev == 0 )

       return ERR;

    pev = temp->next;

    free( temp );


    return OK;


status delete_all( list *pev )


    int ix;

    if( pev == 0 )

       return ERR;

    if( pev->size == 0 )

       return ERR;

    for( ix = 0; ix < pev->size; ++ix, ++pev->ptr )

       delete_node( pev, pev->ptr );

    return OK;


status insert_node( list *p, const type date )


    list_node *pev = p->ptr; ;

    if( p == 0 )

       return ERR;

    pev = find_node( p, date );

    if( pev == 0 )


       type ia;

       printf( "输入要插入的数/n" );

       scanf( "%d", &ia );

       add_node( p, ia );




       type ia;

       list_node *pv =

           ( list_node* )malloc( sizeof( list_node ) );

       if( pev == 0 )

           return ERR;


       printf( "输入要插入的数/n" );

       scanf( "%d", &ia );

       pv->date = ia;

       pv->next = pev->next;

       pev->next = pv;



    return OK;


list_node* find_node( const list *pev , const type date )


    int ix;

    list_node *p = pev->ptr;

    for( ix = 0; ix < pev->size; ++ix )

       if( p->date == date )

           return p;


           p = p->next;

    return 0;


status list_print( const list *pev )


    int ix;

    list_node *p = pev->ptr;

    if( pev == 0 )

       return ERR;

    if( pev->size == 0 )

       return OK;

    for( ix = 0; ix < pev->size; ++ix )


       printf( "%d/t", p->date );

       p = p->next;


    printf( "/n" );

    return OK;




*                **** LINKED LIST HEADER ****
* This is the header file for a generic linked list


typedef struct linkedlist { /* generic linked list */
  struct linkedlist *nextlink; /* pointer to nextlink entry */
  struct linkedlist *prevlink; /* pointer to previous entry */
  void *data; /* pointer to data */
} LinkElement;

typedef struct linkeddef {
  LinkElement *head; /* pointer to head of linked list */
  LinkElement *tail; /* pointer to tail of linked list */
  LinkElement *current; /* pointer to current entry */
} LinkList;

#define return_link_data(link) ((link)->data)

/* linklist.c */
LinkList *create_link_list(void);
void initialize_link_list(LinkList *list);
LinkElement *create_link_entry(void *data);
int add_link_to_head(LinkList *list, LinkElement *entry);
int add_link_to_tail(LinkList *list, LinkElement *entry);
void process_link_list(LinkList *list, void (*process_function)(LinkList *list, LinkElement *ent));
void free_link(LinkElement *lnk);
int remove_link(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk);
void *delete_link(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk);
LinkElement *find_link_entry(LinkList *list, void *key, int (*find_function)(LinkElement *lnk, void *key));
LinkElement *find_next_link_entry(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk, void *key, int (*find_function)(LinkElement *lnk, void *key));
int move_link_up(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk);
int move_link_down(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk);
int add_link_before_link(LinkList *list, LinkElement *new, LinkElement *exist);
int add_link_after_link(LinkList *list, LinkElement *new, LinkElement *exist);
int set_current_link(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk);
int set_head_current_link(LinkList *list);
int set_tail_current_link(LinkList *list);
int add_link_before_current(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk);
int add_link_after_current(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk);
int move_current_link_up(LinkList *list);
int move_current_link_down(LinkList *list);
int set_current_link_next(LinkList *list);
int cycle_current_link_next(LinkList *list);
int set_current_link_prev(LinkList *list);
int cycle_current_link_prev(LinkList *list);
int list_is_empty(LinkList *list);
int list_is_single_link(LinkList *list);
int link_is_current(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk);
int link_is_head(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk);
int link_is_tail(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk);
int current_is_head(LinkList *list);
int head_is_current(LinkList *list);
int current_is_tail(LinkList *list);
int tail_is_current(LinkList *list);
int add_new_current_link_before(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk);
int add_new_current_link_after(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk);
void *get_data_from_link(LinkElement *lnk);
void *get_data_from_current(LinkList *list);
void *get_data_from_head(LinkList *list);
void *get_data_from_tail(LinkList *list);
LinkElement *get_head_link(LinkList *list);
LinkElement *get_tail_link(LinkList *list);
LinkElement *get_current_link(LinkList *list);
LinkElement *get_next_link(LinkElement *lnk);
LinkElement *get_prev_link(LinkElement *lnk);


 *                **** LINKED LIST ****
 * This file implements a generic linked list

#include <stdio.h>

#include "linklist.h"

#include "linklist.pro"

LinkList *
  LinkList *list;

  if ((list = (LinkList *)malloc(sizeof(LinkList))) != NULL)
    { /* list created - initialize it */

  return list;

initialize_link_list(LinkList *list)
  list->head = list->tail = list->current = NULL;

LinkElement *
create_link_entry(void *data)
{ /* create a lnk entry pointing to data */
  LinkElement *lnk;

  if ((lnk = (LinkElement *)malloc(sizeof(LinkElement))) != NULL)
    { /* got memory for lnk - fill it in */
      lnk->nextlink = lnk->prevlink = NULL; /* not connected yet */
      lnk->data = data;
  return lnk;

add_link_to_head(LinkList *list, LinkElement *entry)
{ /* add entry to head of linked list - zero is normal return */
  if (entry == NULL || list == NULL) return 1;

  entry->nextlink = list->head;	/* point to current head of list */
  entry->prevlink = NULL;		/* nothing in front of head */
  if (list->head != NULL) list->head->prevlink = entry; /* bwd lnk */
  list->head = entry;		/* make new head of list */
  if (list->tail == NULL) list->tail = entry; /* was empty - now tail */

  return 0;

add_link_to_tail(LinkList *list, LinkElement *entry)
{ /* add entry to tail of linked list - zero is normal return */
  if (entry == NULL || list == NULL) return 1;

  entry->prevlink = list->tail;	/* point to current head of list */
  entry->nextlink = NULL;		/* nothing in front of head */
  if (list->tail != NULL) list->tail->nextlink = entry; /* fwd lnk */
  list->tail = entry;		/* make new tail of list */
  if (list->head == NULL) list->head = entry; /* was empty - now head */

  return 0;

process_link_list(LinkList *list,
		  void (*process_function)(LinkList *list, LinkElement *ent))
{ /* loop thru list doing something */
  LinkElement *lnk;

  for (lnk = list->head; lnk != NULL; lnk = lnk->nextlink)
      (process_function)(list, lnk);

free_link(LinkElement *lnk)

remove_link(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk)
{ /* remove lnk from list */
  if (list == NULL || lnk == NULL) return 1; /* bad input */

  /* check for entry being the head and/or the tail */
  if (list->head == lnk) list->head = lnk->nextlink; /* was the head */
  if (list->tail == lnk) list->tail = lnk->prevlink; /* was the tail */

  /* now remove lnk from the chain */
  if (lnk->prevlink != NULL) lnk->prevlink->nextlink = lnk->nextlink;
  if (lnk->nextlink != NULL) lnk->nextlink->prevlink = lnk->prevlink;

  /* see if we are deleting the current entry */
  if (list->current == lnk) list->current = NULL; /* no current */
  return 0;

void *
delete_link(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk)
{ /* remove lnk from list and delete it */
  void *data;			/* return value */

  if (list == NULL || lnk == NULL) return NULL; /* bad input */
  data = lnk->data;		/* value to return */
  /* now delete the lnk itself (but not the data) */
  if (remove_link(list, lnk) == 0) free_link(lnk);
  return data;

LinkElement *
find_link_entry(LinkList *list, void *key,
		int (*find_function)(LinkElement *lnk, void *key))
{ /* find entry in lnk list matching key, using find_function */
  LinkElement *lnk;

  /* loop thru linked list until match or end of list */
  for (lnk = list->head;
       lnk != NULL && (find_function)(lnk, key); lnk = lnk->nextlink);

  return lnk; }

LinkElement *
find_next_link_entry(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk, void *key,
		int (*find_function)(LinkElement *lnk, void *key))
{ /* find entry after lnk in lnk list matching key, using find_function */

  /* loop thru linked list until match or end of list */
  while (lnk != NULL && (find_function)(lnk, key)) lnk = lnk->nextlink;

  return lnk;

move_link_up(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk)
{ /* move lnk towards top (or front) of list */
  LinkElement *prevlink;			/* entry to add in front of */

  if (list == NULL || lnk == NULL) return 1; /* bad return */
  if (lnk == list->head) return 0; /* already at head */

  prevlink = lnk->prevlink;		/* move before this entry */
  if (prevlink == list->head) list->head = lnk; /* new head */

  remove_link(list, lnk);	/* delete lnk */
  return add_link_before_link(list, lnk, prevlink);  /* add in front of previous lnk */

move_link_down(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk)
{ /* move lnk towards bottom (or back) of list */
  LinkElement *nextlink;			/* entry to add after */

  if (list == NULL || lnk == NULL) return 1; /* bad return */
  if (lnk == list->tail) return 0; /* already at bottom */

  nextlink = lnk->nextlink;		/* move after this entry */
  if (nextlink == list->tail) list->tail = lnk; /* new tail */

  remove_link(list, lnk);	/* delete lnk */
  return add_link_after_link(list, lnk, nextlink);  /* add after lnk */

add_link_before_link(LinkList *list, LinkElement *new, LinkElement *exist)
{ /* add new lnk before existing lnk */
  if (list == NULL || new == NULL || exist == NULL) return 1;

  /* valid arguments - add before lnk, updating head if needed */
  new->nextlink = exist;
  new->prevlink = exist->prevlink;
  exist->prevlink = new;
  if (new->prevlink == NULL) list->head = new; /* new head */
  else new->prevlink->nextlink = new;

  return 0;

add_link_after_link(LinkList *list, LinkElement *new, LinkElement *exist)
{ /* add new lnk after existing lnk */
  if (list == NULL || new == NULL || exist == NULL) return 1;

  /* valid arguments - add after lnk, updating tail if needed */
  new->prevlink = exist;
  new->nextlink = exist->nextlink;
  exist->nextlink = new;
  if (new->nextlink == NULL) list->tail = new; /* new tail */
  else new->nextlink->prevlink = new;

  return 0;

set_current_link(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk)
{ /* make given lnk the current entry in the list */
  if (list == NULL) return 0;

  list->current = lnk;		/* lnk can be NULL */
  return 1;

set_head_current_link(LinkList *list)
{ /* make the head the current entry */
  if (list == NULL) return 0;	/* bad list */
  list->current = list->head;
  return 1;

set_tail_current_link(LinkList *list)
{ /* make the head the current entry */
  if (list == NULL) return 0;	/* bad list */
  list->current = list->tail;
  return 1;

add_link_before_current(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk)
{ /* add this lnk before the current entry */
  return add_link_before_link(list, lnk, list->current);

add_link_after_current(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk)
{ /* add this lnk after the current entry in the list */
  return add_link_after_link(list, lnk, list->current);

move_current_link_up(LinkList *list)
{ /* move the current lnk up in list, leaving current pointer alone */
  int ret;
  LinkElement *lnk;

  if (list == NULL) return 1;
  lnk = list->current;		/* remember current */
  ret = move_link_up(list, list->current); /* this deletes current */
  list->current = lnk;		/* reset current */

  return ret;

move_current_link_down(LinkList *list)
{ /* move the current lnk down in list, leaving current pointer alone */
  int ret;
  LinkElement *lnk;

  if (list == NULL) return 1;
  lnk = list->current;		/* remember current lnk */
  ret = move_link_down(list, list->current); /* this will delete current */
  list->current = lnk;		/* restore current lnk */

  return ret;

set_current_link_next(LinkList *list)
{ /* move the current pointer to nextlink entry, leaving links alone */
  if (list == NULL || list->current == NULL) return 1;

  if (list->current->nextlink != NULL) list->current = list->current->nextlink;
  return 0;

cycle_current_link_next(LinkList *list)
  if (list == NULL) return 1;	/* bad arg */
  if (list_is_empty(list)) return 2; /* fail on empty list */
  if (list_is_single_link(list)) return 0; /* nothing to do */

  /* if current lnk not set, make it the head */
  if (list->current == NULL) return set_head_current_link(list);

  /* point to nextlink lnk.  If at tail, then point to head */
  if (current_is_tail(list)) return set_head_current_link(list);
  return set_current_link_next(list);

set_current_link_prev(LinkList *list)
{ /* move the current pointer to nextlink entry, leaving links alone */
  if (list == NULL || list->current == NULL) return 1;

  if (list->current->prevlink != NULL) list->current = list->current->prevlink;
  return 0;

cycle_current_link_prev(LinkList *list)
  if (list == NULL) return 1;	/* bad arg */
  if (list_is_empty(list)) return 0; /* fail on empty list */
  if (list_is_single_link(list)) return 1; /* nothing to do */

  /* if current lnk not set, make it the tail */
  if (list->current == NULL) return set_tail_current_link(list);

  /* point to previous lnk; if at head, then point to tail */
  if (current_is_head(list)) return set_tail_current_link(list);
  return set_current_link_prev(list);

list_is_empty(LinkList *list)
  if (list == NULL || list->head == NULL) return 1; /* nothing there */
  return 0;

list_is_single_link(LinkList *list)
  if (list_is_empty(list)) return 0;
  if (list->head == list->tail) return 1;
  return 0;

link_is_current(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk)
  if (list == NULL) return 1;	/* bad list */
  return (lnk == list->current);

link_is_head(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk)
  if (list == NULL) return 1;	/* bad list */
  return (lnk == list->head);

link_is_tail(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk)
  if (list == NULL) return 1;	/* bad list */
  return (lnk == list->tail);

current_is_head(LinkList *list)
  if (list == NULL) return 0;	/* bad list */
  return (list->current == list->head);

head_is_current(LinkList *list)
  return current_is_head(list);

current_is_tail(LinkList *list)
  if (list == NULL) return 0;	/* bad list */
  return (list->current == list->tail);

tail_is_current(LinkList *list)
  return current_is_tail(list);

add_new_current_link_before(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk)
{ /* add a new entry before the current & make it the new current */
  int ret;

  if (list->current == NULL)
    { /* no current - add this to head and make it current */
      if ((ret = add_link_to_head(list, lnk))) return ret;
    { /* current exists - just add it before */
      if (add_link_before_current(list, lnk)) return 1; /* bad args */
 return set_current_link(list, lnk);

add_new_current_link_after(LinkList *list, LinkElement *lnk)
{ /* add a new entry after the current & make it the new current */
  int ret;

  if (list->current == NULL)
    { /* no current - add to tail and make it current */
      if ((ret = add_link_to_tail(list, lnk))) return ret;
    { /* current exists - just add it after */
      if (add_link_after_current(list, lnk)) return 1; /* bad args */
  return set_current_link(list, lnk);

void *
get_data_from_link(LinkElement *lnk)
  if (lnk == NULL) return NULL;
  return lnk->data;

void *
get_data_from_current(LinkList *list)
  if (list == NULL || list->current == NULL) return NULL;
  return list->current->data;

void *
get_data_from_head(LinkList *list)
  if (list == NULL || list->head == NULL) return NULL;
  return list->head->data;

void *
get_data_from_tail(LinkList *list)
  if (list == NULL || list->tail == NULL) return NULL;
  return list->tail->data;

LinkElement *
get_head_link(LinkList *list)
  if (list == NULL) return NULL;
  return list->head;

LinkElement *
get_tail_link(LinkList *list)
  if (list == NULL) return NULL;
  return list->tail;

LinkElement *
get_current_link(LinkList *list)
  if (list == NULL) return NULL;
  return list->current;

LinkElement *
get_next_link(LinkElement *lnk)
  if (lnk == NULL) return NULL;
  return lnk->nextlink;

LinkElement *
get_prev_link(LinkElement *lnk)
  if (lnk == NULL) return NULL;
  return lnk->prevlink;