Cpp Chapter 8: Adventures in Functions Part2

) You can't pass an expression to a function that requires a reference:

double refcube(double &ra);
double x = 3.0;
refcube(x); // valid
refcube(x + 3.0) // invalid because x + 3.0 is not a variable

) Passing by value is a norm that you might not want to change the origin value while doing calculations(e.g. calculating the square of a number). If you insist on using a reference while not changing the original value, use const in function prototype and header:

double refcube(const double &ra)

) Better use const reference arguments because const reference allows the function to handle both const and non-const data, However, non-const reference could only handle non-const data.

) Using references with a structure(most intended):

struct thing

void process(thing & rt); // accept struct as reference
void process(const thing & rt); // accept struct as const reference

You could also make a function return a reference to structure, this makes the return process easier, without copying the entire structure again:

struct thing

const thing & process(const thing & rt); // return a const struct reference
const thing & accumulate(thing & target, const thing & addition);
thing a, b, c, total;
total = accumulate(accumulate(a, b), c);
// return struct reference makes it possible to nest accumulate() function
// also make it easier for the return value to go straight to total
// instead of copy the entire structure again

Also avoid returning references to temporary structures which are declared inside a function(also better const reference).

const string & version(string & s1, const string & s2);

const string & version(string & s1, const string & s2)
    string temp; // local variable
    temp = s2 + s1 + s2;
    return temp; // Don't return reference to local variables!!!!!