Build AssetBundle, missing shader.

Build AssetBundle, missing shader.


My uniy version is 4.1.2f1.

Every asset file packing to a single little AssetBundle, and my building asset bundle process is as follow.

  • PushAssetDependencies.
Build all textures, shaders, materials, fbx asset bundle.    PushAssetDependencies    Build all prefabs asset bundle.        PushAssetDependencies        Build all scene asset bundle.        PopAssetDependencies    PopAssetDependencies
  • PopAssetDependencies

When load scene, Most of the models correctly display, but some model missing Unlit Texuture shader. By carefully view the log, I'm sure that I load the assetbundle in the correct order.

The strange thing is, I change the shader to diffuse, and rebuild all resources, they are all correctly display.

I don't know why, please help, thanks.
