Inplace Search on document libraries and lists is not working


I ran into this SharePoint 2013 search problem today. Search center worked correctly returning lots of results. Search service was crowling content correctly, lots of elements in index. But if I used “Find a file” on any document library, it was returning nothing, with message:

“Your search returned no results.”

Some files might be hidden. Include these in your search

These files were indexed and searchable, I was able to find them in Search Centre search results page.

Web Application was on and AAM was for Extranet zone.

In Content Sources in Search Service Settings, I notice that start address specified is actually  Someone just put it there assuming that this is the only site address. WRONG.

This is not correct, URL should be pointing to the default zone

I changed that, reseted index, recrawled and after that I finally enjoy in place search results.

I hope this will help you as I did not find much info on this problem on the net so far.
